Park dianetti part two

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Rosa was sitting on her couch with Arlo reading a book when she got a notification she picked up her phone too see a text from Gina

G: Heyy
                                                                     R: hey
G: it was nice to see you today
                                                                  R: yeah 
G: do you maybe want to go out one time?
                                     R: yeah that would be nice
G: -?/jansmdwosubanak😔❤️🍃hejah£{
G:sorry Iggy took my phone
                                     R: do you want to meet at the park so you can bring Iggy and i can bring Arlo?

G:oh yeah sure that would be great would tomorrow work?  
                                          R:yeah at like 2:00pm?
G:yeah sure! So meet at the field at 2 tomorrow then!
Read at 6:17pm

Rosa smiles slightly at her phone before going back to reading her book.

                       Time skip to the date
Rosa walked into the field letting Arlo off leash the two of them walked around the field for a bit while waiting for Gina and Iggy.

"Wosa! Arwo!" The two heard from behind them, they turned around to see Iggy running over to them

Arlo happily trots over to the young girl, she quickly wraps her arms around the big dog who sits down respectfully.

Gina walks past her daughter and the dog and over to Rosa

"Hey" Rosa says

"Hey, how's it going?"

"Fine, how are you"


The two of them stand there awkwardly not knowing what to say

"How's it been not working at the nine nine?" Rosa asked Gina

"It was weird for a while but I got used to it, i missed you guys though"

"Yeah we missed you too, Boyle cried for like a week" Rosa chuckles

Iggy and Arlo run over "mommy can we have ice cream?" Iggy says as she points to a small ice cream stand

Gina turns to Rosa "you feel like ice cream?"

"Yeah sure" Rosa shrugs

Rosa leans down and clips Arlos leash onto his harness. The four of them walk over to the stand Rosa orders a chocolate cone and a little cup of vanilla for Arlo, Gina orders a strawberry cup and Iggy orders a bubblegum waffle cone.

Gina pulls her card out ready to pay but Rosa stops her "i got it"

"no that's okay we got more ice cream than you"

Rosa just taps her card on the machine and walks over to the other window grabbing her and Arlos ice cream. Gina walks over and grabs hers and iggys and hands the young girl the bright coloured ice cream.

"You didn't have to pay for us" Gina says as she turned up Rosa

"I wanted to"

The four of them walk over and sit on a bench Rosa puts Arlos ice cream on the ground in front of him, he happily eats his tail as he licks the ice cream.

Rosa and gina quickly finish their ice cream as Iggy continues to happily lick her bright blue ice cream which was mostly making it onto her face and not into her mouth.

After Iggy had finished her ice cream she started wiping her face on her sweater sleeve but Gina quickly stopped her and wiped all the blue off her hands and face.

"We should probably head home" Gina says to rosa and the young girl

"Oh of course, I'll walk you to your car" rosa says

The four of them walk over to Gina's car Iggy gives Arlo a kiss on the head before crawling into the car and letting Gina do up her seatbelt.

"Bye bye arwo and wosa" Iggy says as Gina closes the car door

"Thanks for meeting me" Rosa says

"Yeah it was nice we should do it again sometime soon only alone" Gina says nervously

Rosa stares at Gina's lip's suddenly very nervous, suddenly both her and gina are slowly leaning in she feels her lips touch Gina's lips, they deepen the kiss slightly before pulling apart blushing.

"Yeah we should, see you later Gina"

She walks off and Gina stands there shocked for a second as she watches Rosa walk away.

She gets into the car and looks back at Iggy

"You like wosa" Iggy says loudly

"Yeah i guess i do"

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