Sick ronance (edited)

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Ok so i genuinely have no idea why i write so many sickfics so just bear with me.

Nancy was at work when she started feeling quite nauseous.

"Nancy you ok?" Her desk mate Beverly asked

"Yeah I'm fine i just need some water"

Nancy grabs her water bottle and takes a large swig of it but quickly regrets it. She grabs her trashcan and vomits into it.

Beverly looks at her concerned before grabbing her desk phone and calling robin


"Hello this is Beverly i work with Nancy wheeler"

"Oh is everything alright?"

"Nancy isn't feeling the best, could you come get her?

"Yeah of course, i will be there in ten"

"Thank you bye"


Beverly hangs up the phone and walks over to nancy handing her a napkin.

"You alright?"

"Y-yeah I'm fine"

"Sure you are, your girl is coming to get you so be ready"

Nancy sighs and puts her coat on

"Nancy take the bin just in case"

Nancy nods and grabs the bin going out to wait at the front of the building.

Robin rushes into the building to see her girlfriend waiting for her. She runs over.

"Nance are you ok? What happened?"

"Yeah Rob I'm fine i just got a little sick"

Robin glances at the bin nancy is holding

"Oh yeah let's get you home"

They walk out to the car and Robin starts driving. Nancy starts feeling extremely ill again

"Rob i think i need to-"

She cuts herself off as she vomits  into the bin again. Robin rubs her back lovingly as they pull into the driveway.

They walk into the house and Robin herds nancy up the stairs into their bedroom.

"Here put these on" she says while holding up a pair of Nancys pyjamas


"I will be right back, just gonna grab you a few things"

Robin leaves the room and switches the vomit filled bag for a clean one, she grabs some tissues a bottle of water and some tums and goes back to the room, where Nancy is now laying in bed. She places the bin on the floor next to nancy and the rest on the bedside table.
She ticks nancy in and kisses her forehead.

"Thanks Robbie"

"No problem nance"

She walks out of the room but not before whispering "love you nance"

Multifandom oneshotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora