Halloween steddie

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Steve and Eddie had agreed to go trick or treating with Dustin, the three boys had decided on matching costumes making Eddie Batman dustin the joker and Steve robin.
Steve walked down the stairs to find the other two boys sitting in his living room.
"Are we sure i have to wear this? Eds you want to switch?"
"Noo Steve you have to wear that one"
"Yeah I'm good not switching"
Steve groans frustrated
They walk out of the house
"Are you sure you don't want to just go to the wheelers for the Halloween thing?"
"No we need to get candy"
"Yeah we need candy"
"Fine you guys get one hour but then we are going to meet the others"
They start walking down the street dustin stopping at every house while eddie and Steve slowly walk behind
"Eds are you seriously excited about this"
"What it's fun"
Eddie runs ahead and starts going door to door with Dustin
Steve sighs
After a couple houses eddie gets bored and runs back over to steve, he quickly kisses Steve's cheek before walking next to him again.
"You get enough candy?"
"Yeah it's boring going to all those houses"
After forty five minutes of following dustin house to house he finally filled up his pillowcase.
"Alright we can go to mikes now"
They walk over to mikes and knock on the door
Nancy opens the door
"Oh hey guys come on in"
They walk into the basement
"Nice costume dingus!" Robin calls from the couch
They decide to turn on a movie
Eddie and Steve cuddle on a chair as Eddie falls asleep on Steve's chest. Steve kisses Eddie's head and turns back to the movie.

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