Awake Ronance

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Robin laid in bed, she tried to wait for Nancy but eventually the tiredness got to her and she fell asleep

After a few hours she woke up and found that Nancy still wasn't in bed. She got out of bed and into the dark hallway, she noticed light coming from under the door of Nancys office. She walked in to find Nancy staring sleepily at some slides.


"Oh hey" Nancy says turning in her chair

"Nance it's late what are you still doing up?"

"I have to finish this as i need to present it soon"

"You can't present something on zero sleep, remember what happened last time you tried that."

"Yeah i know i fell off the stage and broke my arm"

"Exactly, so you need to come with me and get some sleep"

"Your right"

Nancy turns off her computer and they both go to bed.

Sorry for the really short chapters I've been using a prompt generator but it's hard for me to figure out longer stories so if you have any ideas please comment them here or on any of the request chapters

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