Sweaters Ronance

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Nancy walked into her house after a long day of work. To find Robin asleep on the couch wearing matching sweaters with their three cats. She went over and gently kissed Robins forehead.

"Hmm?" Robin groaned sleepily

Robin wakes up quickly

"How was work nance?"

"Oh it was ok"

"Do you like the sweaters?"

Nancy chuckles  "yeah their cute"

She picks up one of the cats

"What did she do to you sweetie"

The cat meows and squirms and Nancy puts him down

Robin walks away but quickly comes back with a box.

"I got you one too" she says handing Nancy the box

Nancy opens it and finds a matching sweater.

"I love it! One second I'm going to go out if on!"

Nancy goes and puts it on in the bathroom she comes back out.

"We should take family pictures!"

"Sure!" Nancy says as she grabs the camera and one of the cats.

Robin picks up the other two cats and holds them up. They take a few photos then decide to go cuddle on the couch.

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