In her Mind Elmax

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Some parts are mentioned from the novel Runaway Max by Brenna Yovanoff
Also there is a happy ending and a sad ending
El was sitting in the car with Joyce on the way back from visiting max at the hospital.

"How was it today?" Joyce asked

El shrugged "same as usual i guess"

They two sat in silence for a while before el finally said something

"I was thinking about maybe trying to visit max like in her mind"

"Oh yeah that's an interesting idea, do you think you would be able to do it?" Joyce questioned

El thought for a second " yeah I probably can"

"Well then try it, just remember that it may not work" Joyce said not really knowing what to say

El turned toward the window and stared at the town that had recently been rebuilt. They pulled up in front of their house, as soon as joyce put the car in park El opened the door and ran into the house.

She rushed towards her room without saying anything to Jonathan or hopper who looked at her confused. El and mike had recently broken up as they had both decided they were better off as friends.

She slowed down as she got closer to her room, she walked past wills room and saw Will and Mike sitting on his bed.

She opened her bedroom door and walked inside shutting the door behind her, she sat down on her bed considering visiting the mind of her comatose friend. After a few moments she decided to try, she stood up and walked over to her dresser grabbing a bandanna and the radio, she then locked the door and sat down against it. She turned the radio onto an empty signal so it played static noises, she then tied the bandana tightly around her eyes so she couldn't see a thing.

She closed her eyes under the bandanna and focused on the static of the radio. Soon blood dripped out of her nose, she opened her eyes and looked around finding herself staring into the black void.

"Max?!" She called

When she got no response she felt extremely disappointed, until she noticed a small amount of white light coming from a corner. She approached it slowly and noticed it looked like a door. She walked towards it quickly till she was standing directly in front of the glowing door, she wearily opened it and stepped inside. Suddenly she was in a bar.

(A/N I got this memory from the book Runaway Max by Brenna Yovanoff)
she saw a girl who she recognized as a younger max sitting on a bar stool, while an older clearly drunk woman sat on the stool next to max holding a small diary over her head.

"We're having a dramatic reading." She called looking around the bar.

El watched as max slouched back in her seat, until she noticed another strange glowing door at the back of the bar, this door had a slight red tint. She pushed through the crowd of drunks before getting distracted by a man standing at a pool table in the back of the bar who looked like an older male version of max. That's when she realized that man was maxes father, she was surprised he was just continuing to play pool while the drunk woman had his daughters diary, Till she looked back over at max and the woman who was now walking away angrily as maxes empty diary sat on the stool the woman was just sitting on. El then noticed the smirk max and her father shared before they both went back to what they were doing. She stared at maxes father for another moment before continuing towards the door.

She opened the door and stepped back into a void, though this wasn't the regular void their was something different about it that she just couldn't place. She walked around aimlessly calling maxes name every few minutes till she actually got a response.

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