Telling her Roanace

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Robin and Nancy were sitting in Nancys room and Nancy was venting about something that happened with Jonathan that had lead to a breakup.

"Don't you hate it when boyfriends do that" Nancy said causing Robin to freeze trying to think of a response

Robin chuckles awkwardly "y-yeah I totally yeah"

"Why are you being weird?"

"I um have never had a boyfriend..."

"Oh that's okay, you don't have to have one right now"


The two of them went back to chatting casually but for Robin it felt strangely awkward. During a silent moment she decided to tell Nancy that she was a lesbian.

"Hey nance" robin said awkwardly


"You remember that talk we had earlier about the boyfriend thing, and how you said i don't have to have one right now?"

"Uh yeah?" Nancy stated confused

"I won't ever have a boyfriend, because..."

Nancy waited for Robin to finish her sentence

"Im into.. girls" robin muttered nervously

"Oh..." Nancy responded flatly

They sat there awkwardly for a second before robin stood up.

"You know that was weird I'm sorry you don't have to be my friend anymore i know I'm a freak I'll just go sorry for being weird and and well bye" Robin rambles before running out of Nancys bedroom and down the stairs past mr Wheeler who was the only one home.

"Hey no running" he said as robin ran out of the house tears now slipping down her face.

She ran for a bit longer before slowing down and trying to catch her breath.

"I knew that was a stupid idea. Now she won't ever want to see you again and she'll probably tell everyone and I'm going to be made fun of and everyone will leave me even stupid Steve" she muttered to herself as more tears streamed down her face

She kept walking back to her house, she lived in the poorer part of Hawkins so her walk home from Nancys house took almost an hour each time.

A car pulled up next to her and she quickly wiped the tears away when she saw Steve sitting at the wheel. He rolled down her window and looked at her concerned.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine" she said defensively

"Yeah you look fine" he says sarcastically

She stares at him for a second till he said something

"You want a ride?"

"Yeah okay"

She walked around the car and got into the passenger seat. As she buckled her seatbelt Steve started driving.

"What happened?" Steve asked genuinely concerned

"I don't want to talk about it steve"

"Okay but if you ever want to I'm here"

"Thanks. Where were you going when you found me?"

"I have a date"

"Ooh. Sorry for making you drive me home, you'll probably be late"

"That's alright Rob i was going this way anyway"

He pulled up in front of her house and she stepped out.


"No problem Rob"

He drove off and she walked into her house. He parents had decided to go on a vacation for their anniversary she had no idea where they had gotten the money for that but decided not to question it as now she got some freedom.

Seeing Steve had distracted her from the emotions she had been feeling, but now that she was alone they were all coming back to her and as soon as she knew it she was sobbing.

She walked into her bedroom slamming the door behind her. She collapsed onto the bed and sobbed into her pillow, that was until she heard a quiet tapping at her window. Since she was on the first floor it was easy for her to sneak in and out, but she had never snuck anybody in as there aren't many lesbians in Hawkins.

She got off the bed and opened the window to see Nancy standing outside of it.

"Nancy? What are you doing here?"

"I'm sorry i reacted badly nobody has ever told me anything like that before but i shouldn't have said nothing because that implies that i care and don't support you. But i don't care and i do support you. I'm sorry for making you upset"

A tear slipped down robins face.

"Oh no did i do something wrong?!" Nancy said worried

"No I'm sorry your just being so nice"

"Oh" Nancy smiled at robin

"So do you want to come in?" robin said stepping back from the window

"Yeah ok"

Nancy climbs in through robins window with a struggle. The two girls sit down on robins bed facing each other.

"So.. does anybody else know?"

"Oh umm... yeah Steve does"

"Oh and he's ok with it?"

"Yeah he's great"

"I wouldn't expect that from him" Nancy chuckles

"Yeah me neither. Hey why'd you come to the window?"

Nancy shrugs "thought your parents would be home"

"Well you looked super graceful crawling through my window" robin said sarcastically as she stared laughing

Nancy started laughing too, the two young women talked and laughed for a while before Nancy fell asleep on robins bed soon after Robin fell asleep sitting on the floor and leaning on the bed.

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