Cell mates Elmax

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This is a prison au the other women of stranger things will be in this as well. They will mostly be referred to with their last names. None of them knew each other before. This is based in a maximum security prison though some of this will not be fully correct of what happens in an actual prison.

Els dream
She was being hauled out of the courtroom by three armed men the next thing she knew she was being thrown into a prison van and being driven somewhere, she curled up in a little ball in the corner and cried.
End of dream

She was awoken my a loud banging she looked up and realized where she was, locked in a prison cell laying on the bottom bunk, tears streaming down her face as she looked around the room she whimpered quietly.

"Jeez i thought waking you would make the crying stop"


She looked up to see her cellmate staring down at her.

"Oh s-sorry"

"It's fine kid. First time in here?"


"So what you in for?"

"I-it was an accident" is all el could choke out.

"Chill man, don't let the others see you crying or you won't last a day in here"


"So what's your name?"

"It's El hopper"

her cellmate just grunts in response

A few moments later the florescent lights all turned on with a crack and all the doors unlock. Her cellmate climbed down from her bunk, and el noticed how pretty her cellmate was she had long red unkempt hair and bright blue eyes. As she was leaving the room she turned to El.

"You coming?"

"Oh uh yeah"

El quickly gets out of bed and follows the redhead as she walks over to a guard pushing a cart with trays of food in it. They both grab trays El looks at it and visibly cringes.

"I wouldn't make that face at the food, wheeler runs the kitchen and you don't want to get on her bad side"

"Oh.. ok"

The redhead walks away but turns around as she notices el isn't following her.

"You coming?" She calls to her

El quickly walks over confused about why this girl was sticking with her. She gets led to a table with a bunch of other women sitting at it staring at her. Her cellmate sits down and el quickly sits down next to her.

"Mayfield who's the new girl?" A woman with short dirty blond hair asks

"This is hopper my new cellmate"

"Oh.. fresh meat, wheeler met her yet?"

"Not yet"

Just then a curly hairs brunette sits down next to the dirty blond.

"Mayfield? Buckley? Who's this?"

"This is mayfields new cellmate" the woman who el has realized Is Buckley

"Oh and you want her to join the family huh?"

"That's wheeler you want to get on her good side because once you've joined the family you're safe, my names Sinclair by the way" a younger looking girl whispers to el

El just at her not knowing what to say. She turns back to listen to mayfield and wheeler.

"Mayfield your one of my best girls but i don't know about this one. How long does she have?"

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