Coffee and an impromptu marriage dianetti

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Tw slight mention of mental illness

Rosa walked into a coffee shop, planning on getting something before heading to the precinct. As she walked past some tables towards the counter she noticed Gina sitting at one of them staring down at her coffee with tears streaming down her face, Rosa was confused as Gina regularly seemed so tough and put together. She decided to get her drink then go talk to Gina. She quickly got her herbal tea and walked over to where Gina was sitting. Her sitting down in the empty seat seemed to startle Gina causing her to flinch slightly.

"Calm down linetti it's me" Rosa says emotionlessly

"Oh it's just you" Gina says seeming distracted

"Yeah... so what's wrong?"


"Really" Rosa stays sarcastically while staring at gina amused

"Yeah, I'm fine you don't need to pretend to care about me i know what you're like" gina snapped at her

Rosa looked genuinely hurt at what Gina had just said.

"Sorry" gina mutters quietly

"It's fine" Rosa said coldly

"I guess there is something..." Gina muttered again


"It's um Milton, we kinda broke up and he took Iggy with him"

"Oh Gina thats... horrible and not in a good way"

Gina chuckles a little before just shrugging.

"He can't just take her isn't there some sort of custody thing?"

"Yeah but he would be deemed better for her due to my history of mental issues plus he does better financially"

"That's messed up"

"Yeah but that's just how it works"

"What if... no that well maybe no" Rosa mutters to herself


"Oh nothing, i was just thinking if you could show that you had more money somehow and that you'd have someone else to help you with Iggy then you could probably win the custody thing"

"Oh... but that's impossible"

"Or is it"


"This is going to sound crazy but all you need to do is marry someone with a similar income as you."

(A/n Of course in real life it's not that easy)

Gina stares at Rosa shocked

"Do you really think that would work?"

"It should, but the problem is you have nobody to marry"

"Yeah... i guess i could ask someone we work with"

"Yeah but who?"

"Jake? Oh wait he's married to Arnie"


"Oh yeah Amy. So that takes two of my options Hitchcock, scully and Charles are obviously not going to happen. Terry and holt both make a lot more"

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