Cold Ronance

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Robin had been missing for a few days, nobody knew where she was. Steve and Nancy had been looking for her for days. But Steve was busy today so Nancy was looking alone. It was the middle of winter and Nancy was trying to maneuver through the snow. She peaks under a bridge and sees robin sitting there shivering And runs over


She hugs her

"H-hey n-n-nance" she shivered

"Oh my god your freezing!"

Nancy sits down next to robin. She unzips her jacket and wraps it around the both of them. After waiting for robin to warm up a bit she starts questioning her.

"Where were you? Why did you leave?"

"I've been s-staying under this b-bridge. And i left because i couldn't handle my mom anymore"

"What do you mean"

"She hurts me nance"

"I'm sorry Rob you don't deserve that. But you could have stayed with me or Steve"

"Yeah i guess"

"Come on let's get you to my house so you can warm up."

"Okay, thanks nance"

Nancy leads Robin to her car and drives to her house. She takes Robin into her kitchen and gets her a mug of hot chocolate.

"Thanks Nancy your the best"

"Of course Rob"

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