A great gift Stonathan

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It was six am on Christmas morning and Steve was climbing out of bed slowly trying not to wake his boyfriend Jonathan who happened to be asleep next to him. He creeps down the stairs to the main floor then down farther to the basement, he walked through the basement to a small storage room on the side. He opens the storage room door and is greeted by a small meowing.

"Hello kitty!" He enthusiastically whispers

He picks up the small white kitten and places it in a large Christmas bag, It meows in protest.

"Sorry kitty it's just for a bit till Jonathan wakes up"

He was walking back up the stairs into the living room where the Christmas tree was set up. The room was fully dark and when he turned off the light he saw Jonathan sitting on the couch staring in his direction.

"Where were you?"

"Just grabbing your last present from the basement"


Steve walks over and sets the bag with the surprisingly quiet kitten next to Jonathan.

"Merry Christmas babe" he said kissing Jonathan's forehead

Jonathan opens the bag and gasps at the tiny kitten he sees sitting at the bottom the kitten meows at him loudly as he lifts it out of the box. Steve had sat closely next to him.

"So what do you think?"

"You got me a cat!" Jonathan said excitedly

"Yeah, what are you gonna name him?"

"Hm... what do you think about Henry?"

"That's a cute name"

The two boys opened the rest of their gifts then curled up on the couch together with Henry.

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