Telling them Jargyle

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Jonathan and argyle where cuddling on Jonathan's bed
"Do you think i should tell them about us?"
"If you want to, I'm sure they will support us"
Argyle gently kisses his boyfriends cheek
"I'm going to tell them at dinner tonight"
They cuddle till Joyce calls them down for dinner

Joyce and hopper where at either side of the table will and El where sitting next to each other Jonathan and argyle sit down next to each other in the two empty seats.

The family silently eats dinner for a little while
"guys i need to tell you something"
The family all look at Jonathan interested in what he has to say. Argyle squeezes Jonathan's hand comfortingly under the table.
"Me and Argyle are d-dating"

The table stays quiet till hopper breaks the silence
"That's great kid"
"Yeah sweetie I'm glad you found someone nice"
Will and el look at each other shocked at their parents reactions.
"Yeah that's so cool"
"We fully support you guys"
"Really none of you care I'm not with a girl?"
"Of course not"
"Why would we"
"As long as your happy"
"Thanks guys"
Argyle smiles and leans in kissing his boyfriends cheek

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