Needles Ronance

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Tw needles, fainting

Nancy walked into the house after work to find her girlfriend Robin sitting on the couch reading a book. She sits next to robin and cuddles close to her, robin puts her book down on the coffee table and wraps her arms around nancy.

"How was work nance?"

"It was ok. On the way home i saw a sign about flu shots and that reminded me we should get ours soon"

Robin visibly tenses up at the mention of shots.

"You ok Rob?"

"Y-yeah fine i just really don't like s-shots"

"Don't worry you will be ok, i will be there for you"

Robin smiled slightly


"Great so i was thinking we could go tomorrow"

"Yeah s-sure"

They cuddle for a a bit longer robin attempting to hide the anxiety she was having about getting the shot tomorrow.

The pair go to bed nancy falls asleep quite quickly but robin stayed up most of the night dwelling over the fact that she needs to get a shot tomorrow.

It was the afternoon the day the two were going for their shots. They get into the car and start driving to the pharmacy.

"Nance i need to warn you I'm really not good with needles"

"Do you want me to go first to show you it will be ok?"

"Y-yeah sure"

They pulls up in front of the pharmacy and walk inside. Once they had filled out the paperwork the pharmacist led them into a room.

Nancy gets her shot first and barely notices the small needle piercing her skin. Robin looks away while nancy gets the shot trying not to freak out more.

Then it was robins turn, she sits down and waits she glances over at the pharmacist who was prepping the needle and starts feeling lightheaded. As the pharmacist starts putting the numbing on her arm she faints.

"Rob! Oh my god!" Nancy shrieks

Robin wake up a few moments later to two pharmacists staring at her as Nancy hugs her

"Rob oh thank god your ok. What happened?!"

"Told you I'm not good with needles"

The two decide to take robin for the nose spray instead of getting her a shot. Robin was happy because she got a juice box.

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