Sorry Elmax

978 13 2

Tw mentioned abuse and blood

el yelled at her girlfriend
Max stormed out slamming the door loudly behind her.
El runs into her room closes the door (leaving 3 inches of course) and curls up on her bed sobbing. She tightly hugs a fluffy white teddy
Until she realizes max gave her that teddy she punches it angrily before pulling its arm off and throwing it across the room she curls back up and sobs into her pillow
A few hours later she hears a knock at the door she  wipes her tears and goes to answer it. She opens the door to see max standing there
"What do you want?!"
"I'm sorry please help me"
El looks max up and down noticing the blood one her face arm and legs el gasps and pulls max into the cabin
"What happened?"
"I'm sorry for coming here this is the only place i thought of going"
Max explains while el leads her to her bedroom
"Wait here i will go get the first aid kit"
While el was out of the room max notices the teddy bear laying on the floor El came back in and started bandaging maxs wounds
" what happened to the teddy"
"I'm sorry i was angry maybe i can fix him"
El starts cleaning the blood off maxs face to reveal a large purple bruise
"Max... what happened?"
El pulls max into a hug
"I'm sorry for being such a bad girlfriend"
" you where great i was the one being a bad girlfriend"
"Max i-i love you"
"You love me?"
"Yeah is t-that ok?"
" i love you to"
Max gently kisses Els cheek

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