News... amy santiago x fem reader

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Tw mentions of Jake's death, crying, pregnancy

You and your high school best friend Amy had reconnected when you started working at the same police precinct.

Two months ago one of you fellow detectives had died in a shooting, that particular detective had been Amy's husband jake, and the father of her young son. Since then you had been trying to be there for Amy as much as you could. She often couldn't stand to stay in her apartment alone for long periods of time so you had been letting her and her son Mac stay with you.

You and Amy both had the day off today and Mac was at daycare. You had been reading a book on the couch when Amy walked in and practiced fell onto the opposite side of the couch, you glance over at her and realize she crying. You quickly put your book down and scoot over to her.

"Hey, are you ok? What happened?"

She looks at you her face red with tears, she pulls something out of her pocket and hand it to you. You stare down at the pink and white stick in your hand and realize that it's a positive pregnancy test. You look up her shocked as more tears run down her face. You place the test on the table and pull her into a hug, she scoots farther into the hug and sighs.

"What am i going to do?" She asks as she breaks the hug

"Well what do you want to do?"

"I think i want to keep it but..."

"So keep it" you ask slightly confused

"It's not that easy Y/N there's things i have to consider" her tears had stopped now and she looked serious

"Like what?"

"I will have to take time off work"

"I don't think the caption would mind" you say with a smirk

"Well what if mac doesn't like the new baby"

"Bullshit now you just making excuses. What's the real reason?"

She stares at you shocked for a moment realizing you aren't going to back down she says "Ok fine the real reason is that I'm scared"

"Of what?" You ask with a kinder tone

"I'm scared that I'll raise two fucked up kids! And I'm scared to do this all alone!" Tears start running down her face again and she looks at you ashamed.

"Your one of the best mothers i have ever met, you always try to do what's best for mac and even if you make a mistake you still try to correct it, there's no way you could raise messed up kids. And you aren't alone you have me and I'll always be there for you. This is still your decision and i will support any decision you make and I will always be there to help you.

"Really you'll help me?" She asks shocked

"Of course i will"

She grins softly "thanks, i think i might keep it"

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