Guilt Ronance

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Robin walked into her girlfriend Nancys room to find her curled up crying on the bed
Robin sat down next to Nancy on the bed and gently rubs her back.
"Nance what's wrong?"
Nancy just whimpers, robin moves Nancy further onto the bed and lays down next to her Nancy nuzzles into robins chest and crys harder. Robin gently kisses Nancys head and gently rubs her back.
Nancy eventually calms down and looks up at robin with her tear stained eyes
"I'm sorry"
"Sweetie there is nothing to be sorry for,but what's wrong?"
Nancy whimpers again
"Remember when i told you about how barb d-died?"
"Yeah i do"
"It was all my fault"
"Nance we both know it wasn't your fault"
"But if i hadn't gone with Steve then barb would still be alive"
"Nance you can't let this eat at you. You can't change the past"
"I know but"
"Would you feel better if we stay here and take a nap?"
Nancy nods and nuzzles closer to robin.

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