Sick rosa diaz x reader (edited)

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Old version
You walk into the 99th precinct and are immediately greeted by Terry "thank god your here" " yeah of course, what's up?" Terry signals for you to follow him into the break room. As soon as you walk in you see your girlfriend passed out on the couch " she's not feeling well" terry says as you walk over to Rosa, you gently kiss her forehead "oh she's burning up" "I'm fineee" she says groggily "sure you are" you say sarcastically. You carefully lift her bridal style and leave thanking terry on the way out. "Stoop I'm fine" you gently place her in the passenger seat of your car. She adjusts herself with a groan but soon falls asleep. You smile lovingly at your sleeping girlfriend. After a few minutes of driving you pull into the parking lot of your apartment you gently run your hand through rosas hair to wake her up "we're here" you get out of the car and over to the passenger door you open it and kiss her forehead before lifting her again. As you enter the building rosa starts weakly squirming in your arms "shh shh it's ok, it's me"she weakly smiles up at you. You get up to your apartment you place rosa so she's standing with her back against the wall as you unlock your door. After opening the door you lift her again and walk into the apartment and into your bedroom where you carefully lay her on the bed and tuck her in "thanks" "of course, i love you." "I love you to"

New better version
You pull up in front of the 99th precinct to pick up your girlfriend Rosa, her coworker Terry had just called you informing you that she is sick and asking you if you could come pick her up before she infects everyone. You get out of your car and approach the door where you are immediately greeted by Terry.

"Oh good your here" he says

"Yeah, so where is she?"

Terry starts walking motioning for you to follow him, he leads you up the stairs and into the break room where you see Rosa laying fast asleep on the couch, you rush over and kneel next to her, carefully running your hand through her hair.

"So she not feeling well" terry stated

"Yeah no shit terry" he looked hurt when you said that

"Sorry, i have a weird temper" you apologized to him

"It's ok" he said as he watched you carefully lift rosa off the couch

You carefully lift rosa off the couch and hold her bridal style. She wakes up and looks around confused for a moment before realizing what was going on.

"Noooo I'm fine" she said in a pouty quiet tone

"Sure you are" you said sarcastically

You walked over to the door and thank terry for calling you before carrying Rosa into the elevator.

"Put me down I'm fineee" she said with the same tone as before

You chuckle out slowly put her legs to the floor and let go of her. She wobbles for a moment before falling against you. You carefully pick her up again.

"Nooo I'm finee"

"You can't even stand by yourself"

"I so can"

"You just fell over"

She grumbles something under her breath as the elevator stops and the door opens. You step out of it and start walking to the door. You approach your car and stop next to the passenger door, making her stand leaning against you as you unlock the car. You pick her up and open the passenger door gently placing her down on the seat, you make sure she has her seatbelt on before shutting the door and walking to your door, you sit down and notice she's already asleep, you start driving slowly.

After a couple minutes you go over a little bump waking her up, she groans and sits up a bit.

"How'd i get here?" She said with a stuffy tone

"Terry called me to get you because your sick"


She slowly drifted back to sleep as you focused back on the road. After ten more minutes of driving you pull into your apartments parking spot, you got out and walked to Rosas door, opening it slowly and unbuckling her seatbelt, you carefully pick her up again and walk away closing the door with you foot. You walk into the building and into the elevator pushing the number 3. Rosa slowly wakes up and glances around for a second before looking up at you.

"I love you" she said quietly

"I love you too"

The elevator stops at your floor and you walk out of it and to your apartment, you quickly unlock the door and immediately carry Rosa
To the bedroom, where you tuck her into bed.
She quickly fell asleep as you run your fingers through her wavy black hair.

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