Stubborn Steddie

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The photo has nothing to do with the story

Steve woke up to a loud knocking at the door he goes downstairs and opens it to find eddie standing there bleeding from his side.


"Oh it's nothing I'm fine"

Steve pulls Eddie into the house.

"So want to watch a movie?"

"Eddie you need to go to the doctor"

"I'm fine"

"At least let me look at it and put a bandaid on it"


Eddie sits on a dining room chair and pulls his shirt off so Steve has access to the wound. Steve grabs a first aid kit.

"Oh my god did you get stabbed"



"Yeah so weird how I'm the only one who ever gets stabbed"

"You need to go to the doctor this wound looks deep"

"I'm sorry is this your stab wound"


"Exactly my wound my choice"

"Your bleeding out in my dining room!"


Steve sighs and starts bandaging Eddie's wound

"Thanks big boy"

"I still think you need a doctor"

"Nah i got doctor Steve I'm good"

Once Steve finishes bandaging Eddie's wound they go up to his room and go to bed

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