I'm here for you Platonic steve and robin

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Tw strong emotions  and panic attack
Steddie and Ronance mentioned

Robin was sitting in the living room of her and Nancys house waiting for her girlfriend to come home when she heard the phone ring.

"Hello?" She said into the phone


"Yeah that's me?"

"It's Eddie, Steve's crying in the corner and i can't calm him down. Could you come help?"

"Um yeah sure, i will be there shortly"

Robin hung up the phone and quickly wrote a note for a Nancy telling her that she was at Steve's because it was an emergency,then she left. She hopped onto her bike and started for Steve's house. after a ten minute bike ride she pulled up in front of the house, she walked up the front steps of the large house and knocked on the door after a couple minutes she knocked again louder this time but  there was still no answer, concerned she tried twisting the doorknob and it was unlocked she opened the door fully and stepped inside.

"Eddie?! Steve?!" She called into the house

She heard footsteps coming down the stairs soon revealing a concerned looking Eddie

"Oh good your here"

"What's going on? Where's Steve?"

"I don't really know but he's curled up in a little ball in the corner of the bedroom crying and it's like he's in a trance and won't talk to me" Eddie said looking extremely worried

Robin sighs "ok I've seen this before with him and i will handle it"

"Thanks Robin"

"Yeah it's fine"

Robin walks up the stairs and into Steve's room to find him curled up in a ball shaking and muttering to himself.

"Steve?" She said worriedly as she had never seen him this bad.

She walked over and and sat down next to him gently placing her hand on his side causing him at flinch slightly

"Stevie what's wrong?"

Steve muttered something under his breath, Robin started gently rubbing Steve's side seemingly calming Steve down as his breathing slowed and he scooted closer to Robin tears continued to run down his face. They sat there for a while till steve started to move, Robin pulled her hand away.

"You okay bud?"


Steve sat up pushing his legs up against his chest. Robin wrapped her arm around his shoulder and pulls him closer. He cuddles against her.

"I-I'm s-sorry" he whispers

"No it's ok your allowed to have feelings"

"B-but I made E-Eddie feel b-bad"

"It's ok, I'm sure he'll understand"


"Yeah of course he will, he loves you. Now what happened?"

"I d-don't know, it just h-happened"

Robin squeezes Steve's shoulder

"Just remember I'm always here for you"

"Thanks Rob" he said as he laid his head on robin's shoulder

"Do you think we should go talk to Eddie? Y'know explain what just happened"

"Yeah, probably should. Are you sure he won't be angry?"

"I promise he won't, he's just worried about you"

"Okay let's do this"

The two stand up and walk down the stairs into the kitchen where they find Eddie sitting at the table zoned out staring at the table. The two sit down at the table, the sound of the chairs moving was enough to get Eddie's attention back.

"Stevie! Your ok!"

"Yeah, I'm sorry" Steve said nervously

"You don't need to apologize, I'm just worried about you. What happened? Are you ok?"

"I uh well um, Robin could you explain to him"

"Uh sure.. so Eddie, Steve has panic attacks sometimes though it hasn't happened in quite a while. But sometimes it can be umm randomly triggered with no real explanation." Robin explained the best she could

"Oh... but how can i help if this happens again?"

"Well that's a bit more diffi-" robin started

"Just be there, maybe gently wrap your arms around me or rub my side slowly that often calms me down, but don't touch my face or hair that could make it worse" Steve said after cutting Robin off

"Oh?" Eddie said looking stressed
"Don't worry about it, the last time it happened was after the whole vecna and thinking you were dead thing" robin said

"Oh" Eddie said again

They all sat there in silence for a while till Robin decided she should leave as Nancy Would be home soon.

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