Baby Harringrove

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Nice billy

Steve hears his doorbell ring at around 11pm
"Who could that be?"
He goes over to the door and opens it. He looks around confused for a moment till he looks down and sees a baby carrier
"Oh fuck"
He picks up the carrier and brings it into the kitchen setting it down on the table
"Shit shit shit this can't be happening"
He looks down at the baby hesitantly notching a note that reads
Dear Steve
This is your child i don't want her so do what you want with her
From someone
Steve crumples the note and throws it down on the table
He paces around the kitchen for a moment before deciding to call his boyfriend for help. He goes over to the phone and dials the number
"Hey this is billy"
"Billy it's Steve, i need your help, please come over"
The baby starts crying loudly
"Steve what's going on? Do i hear a baby?"
"Just please come over"
"Alright i will be over in 10"
"Thanks babe"
"No problem sweetheart see you soon"
They hang up the phone, Steve puts the phone down and goes back to the screaming baby and picks up the carrier taking it into the living room attempting to calm it down. He sits on the couch placing the carrier on the floor waiting for billy. The baby just kept crying causing Steve to break into angry tears they sit there crying for what feels like hours till Steve hears a knock at the door he runs over and opens it crumbling to the ground as soon as he sees billy
"Sweetie? What's going on? Are you ok?"
Billy lifts Steve into a hug Steve crys into Billy's shoulder
"I'm s-sorry"
Steve says after he calms down a little
"It's ok honey. What's going on?"
"Baby on doorstep i don't know who put it there the note says it's mine it won't stop crying and i don't know what to do!!"
Steve leads billy into the living room and points to the carrier on the floor.
Billy walks over and lifts her out of the carrier
"Hi sweetie, aww babe she's kind of cute"
Steve just groans
"What's her name"
"Note didn't say"
"Oh really?"
"So what should i do with it?"
"Keep her"
"Really? Billy you think i should keep that thing"
"Yeah i mean she is yours"
"How am i supposed to do that i can barely take care of myself"
"I'll help you"
"Billy we can't you live away and what if something happens?"
"It only takes 10 minutes for me to get here though"
"I'm sorry it's stupid i just never mind it was a stupid idea"
"Honey I'm sorry. What if you just stay here and we keep her?"
"Are you asking me to move in with you?"
"Wow Harrington really"
"Sorry it was stupid i shouldn't have said that"
"No i would love to move in and raise her with you"
"What are we gonna tell everyone"
"We can think about that later we gotta name our baby first"
"Oh yeah our kid  that feels weird to say"
Billy chuckles "yeah it does"
"What if we name her Annie?"
"Annie Harrington? I like it"
They cuddle on the couch Steve soon falls asleep so does Annie billy looks lovingly at his new family

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