I care elmax

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Tw: cutting, scars, blood,  knife and     self harm
This is all stuff i have struggled with and if any of it triggers you please do not continue reading.

El bikes over to maxs house in the middle of the night. Extremely worried about her girlfriend who had been acting strange all day.
She skids to a stop in front of maxs bedroom window and looks through the first floor window into maxs bedroom, the room was extremely dark except for one corner with small lamp on. She sees max sitting on the floor in that corner with tears streaming down her face and a large knife pressed against her wrist. El gasps and feels tears forming in her eyes. She quietly opens the window and climbs inside closing it behind her.
"Oh El! What are you doing here?!"
Max quickly shoves the knife under the bed and pulls her hoodie sleeve over the fresh cuts.
El walks over and crouches down next to her.
"I'm s-sorry"
"No maxie it ok"
"B-but i had f-four weeks without hurting m-myself"
El sits down and scoots closer to her girlfriend max lays her head on Els shoulder
"What should i d-do?"
"Try again"
"B-but what if i f-fail again"
"Then you try again"
"I don't know if i can do it alone"
"Your not alone you have me i care about you and will do everything i can to help you"
"Yeah of course"
El wiles the tears off maxs face
"Can clean up your cuts? they are bleeding through your sleeve"
"Sure thanks Ellie"
El helps max off the ground and sits her down on the bed going over to the dresser and grabbing alcohol wipes and bandaids .she walks back over to max and sits next to her on the bed.
"Could you pull your sleeve up so i can clean your cuts?"
"S-sure, please be careful"
"I will sweetie"
She pulls up her sleeve revealing the fresh cuts which are still bleeding and many old scars running all the way up her arm.
"Oh honey...."
"I'm sorry"
Tears start streaming down maxs face once again.
"Shh shh honey it's ok"
El wipes maxs tears away and gently kisses her forehead.
"This if going to sting a bit"
El cautiously wiped the cuts with the alcohol wipe, max flinches at the sting
"It's ok it just stings a bit"
El finish's cleaning maxs cuts and puts bandages over them.
"You should get some rest babe"
"Yeah i guess your right"
Max climbs under the cover of her bed and starts slowly drifting off to sleep. El walks over to the corner pulling the knife out from under the bed and wiping the blood off it and carefully placing it on the dresser. She turns off the light. She kisses maxs forehead before turning to the window
"Could you maybe stay with me tonight?"
"Sure sweetie"
El climbs into bed next to max who turns to face  her
"Thank you for everything"
"Yeah of course"
"I love you"
"I love you to"
Max cuddles closer to el burying her head into Els chest. They drift off to sleep peacefully knowing that it will be a long hard journey for max to stop hurting herself and finally be happy with who she is.

Thanks for reading this i know it was a bit different than the usual stories but as someone who has experienced this from both the points of view of max and el i felt like this was necessary to write this

If you are going through something like this try not to resort to what max did that just numbs the pain instead call a help line or talk to someone you can trust

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