
It was Will and Maureen knew it. "John wait."

"No, this is our one shot!" John lifted the magnets above him as Will yelled once more.


"Will?" Maureen called out. The robot than turned off his blasters and stopped struggling, almost as if it turned off. Maureen finally realized who the robot in front of her was. "Scarecrow. John, stand down. I-I think it's okay."

"Mom. Mom is that you?" Will called out once more.

Maureen stumbled back as Scarecrow was released from the doors. "Is this some kind of trick?" John whispered out, shocked to her his son's voice. 

"Dad! Dad, I can hear you too!" 

"Will, I-I don't know what's happening, but we're talking to you through a robot. I think it's Scarecrow. Will, did you send him to us?"

"No." The boy admitted. "Robot did."

"We were about to defend ourselves if you hadn't stopped us-"

"That's what danger was." Penny whispered out. "They didn't understand that you were trying to help."

"Penny, is that you?" Maureen smiled.

"Yeah. Mom. Hi, it's me."

"Oh my god, we miss you so much!"

"I miss you too."

"Guess what. I read your book. Uh four, five times already, and all I wanted every day is just to tell you how brilliant it is and how brilliant you are." Maureen stepped closer to Scarecrow and oddly enough, he gave her a hug. One she gladly gave back.

"Penn, Will, it's so good to hear your voices." John smiled. "How's Judy?"

"She's fine." Will shakily responded. 

"Is she with you?" 

"Uh no, no she's busy."

"Busy captaining. You know, heavy is the head that wear, um, whatever captains wear."

"And (y/n)?"

"I'm right here." A lighter voice spoke through the robot. Don smiled at his.

"Nice to hear that you're still alive kid." Don joked. Soft laughter was heard on the other side.

"Same goes to you Don."

The three adults smiled at one another as John asked the kids. "How's Alpha Centauri?"

Penny, Will and (y/n) looked at one another. "Well, don't freak out but we're not quite there yet." 


"No, we're fine. We're fine. We just, we just got a bit sidetracked."

"What? For a year?"

"It's fine. I was sidetracked for most of my 20s." Don smiled.

"We just have to repair one of our thrusters, but we should be there in a couple of days." Will told them.

"What about you guys?" Penny asked her parents. 

"We uh, we need two things to get to Alpha Centauri and now we have one of them." Maureen grinned.

"Well, he's on our ship. I don't know whether we have him."

"Help friend. Help family."

"I think robot's saying you can help each other." The boy's voice began to cut off, signaling to the adults that there wasn't much time left.

"Will, you're breaking up." Maureen told her soon.

"Same here."

"Will, I need you to listen. When you get to Alpha Centauri, you need to turn that engine off so no one can find you. Okay?"

"That was always the plan."

 "I know. I know, but now it is more important than ever. SAR might be alive." The line between the two robots cut off before the kids got a chance to respond. Maureen turned to step in front of John. "They're okay. They're okay!"

Maureen grabbed her husband into a hug as John smiled. "They are."

Don, who was smiling at their moment, looked over at the giant robot. "So, what do we do about this guy?"

"We get to work."


Penny and (y/n) walked to the exit of the ship with a skip in their step. Penny topped in her tracks when she noticed that Will wasn't following the pair. "Come on. We have to go back to camp, tell everyone the good news."

"Okay, I'll be right there." The boy smiled at the two's excitement. 

"Don't take too long or we might leave without you." (y/n) teased to Will, causing what she considered a cute smile toa appear on his face.

"Alright." The girl smiled once more to the boy before heading out with Penny. Will eye's followed his yet-to-be lover as she exited out the room.

Smith smirked at the sigh of the love struck boy and snapped him out of his trance. "I noticed you didn't mention to your parents that I was still alive."

Will sighed and walked towards the woman. "No offense, but there were more important things to talk about."

"I have another theory. I think you were being a protector. Protecting me from getting in trouble for being a stowaway and protecting your parents, so they wouldn't worry about the fact that you were alone with me."

"Interesting theory."

"You're a good person, Will Robinson. Even being on your own this past year, the values your parents instilled in you, your original programming, it stuck with you." Smith took a step to the exit before turning back. "I guess it's a good thing we didn't take off sooner."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, if we hadn't been stranded here for so long, we never would have found this place, and you never would have connected with your parents. Sometimes, things work out for the best." Smith gave a chesiree grin to the boy before finally walking out, leaving him alone with robot.

Will gave out another sigh before standing next to robot—who was looking out into the distance. "So, finding Scarecrow to help my parents, was that your way of saying sorry? Well either way, thank you."

Will turned from his friend out to the darkness of the rest of the underground civilization. "What's out there?" Will took the bag that he kept and got out a flare gun. He pointed it high above and shot, watching as the bright red flare illuminated in the dark. 

"The other robots, do they know what happened to this place? That whoever made them is. Extinct?"

"No, Will Robinson." 

"Then that's how we end this. When the robots attacked us, it's not what they wanted to do. It's what they were programmed to do. Those orders, their original programming, it's obsolete now. We just have to find a way to prove it to them."

"Danger, Will Robinson."

"You're thinking about SAR. Do you think he'll remember me?"


Meanwhile with the robots, the steel leading robot looked towards the crushed up body of SAR. He looked closely at the body and pulled out a wire, one that had live blue lights.

Walking over to another robot body, he attached the blue wire into the machine. The robot shook for a second before it jolted awake.

SAR was back and he was out for blood.


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