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Rose felt like a bucket of chilled water was dumped on her. The new information seemed to have fuelled so many emotions in her. Among the feelings were frustration, defeat, anger, hatred, and jealousy, the last being the most prominent. She had never felt like that before.

Why Moon? Why not her? She asked herself. How Moon had managed to wrap both brothers around her stupid fingers was something she couldn't understand. What did they see in Moon that they didn't see in her?

Even her so-called husband seemed to have been taken by Moon. In all the years of their marriage, they had never been as close as he was to Moon in these past few days. He didn't even tell her about the pregnancy. Is Moon a witch or something?

She didn't know why, but she wanted everything Moon had.

She wants to be worshipped and adored by both brothers.

She wants to be the one with Ocean.

She wants to be the one pregnant with Ocean's baby!

She knew it was a matter of time before Ocean turned everywhere upside down in search of Moon, and she wanted to be the one he went crazy for!

She wants all the attention!

She wants everything and must get it!

She must take back everything Moon stole from her before it was late, and she would be left with nothing.

"You think you have it all sorted out, don't you?" Asked Rose with a smug smile, her demeanour suddenly calm, unlike the lady who was ready to crush in a matter of seconds.

Moon was slightly taken aback at the sudden change as she had already prepared herself for another attack. Is she bipolar or does it have to do with being a vampire? She asked herself and immediately composed herself before saying, "It depends on what you are talking about."

"I am talking about your life. You think you have it all sorted out from the look of things. Acting like a little princess waiting for her lover to come to take her, how pathetic."

Oh, I was about to meet him myself, but all thanks to your bad timing, Moon replied in her head before flashing her a sweet smile. Suddenly, Moon began sniffing the air and asked, "What's that stinky smell?" She moved closer to Rose, who only looked at her in confusion because she couldn't perceive anything, "Ah! It smells like jealousy. Wish you were the one that he would take home, don't you? Too bad honey."

Rose's face morphed from confusion to anger before a smug smile settled on her pink-coated lips, "Jealousy? You wish. Seeing how smug you are, I believe he didn't tell you." Rose added the last part in a smug tone.

It was Moon's turn to stare at her confusedly, "He didn't tell me what?"

"Judging from how confused you are, it seems your so-called lover didn't tell you indeed," Rose added again,

Seeing how Moon became perturbed, the smug look on Rose's face deepened. It was obvious  Moon didn't know about what had happened in the forest.

Moon had an idea of what Rose was hinting at, but she didn't want to jump to conclusions yet.

"Rose, stop acting like a child and go straight to the point." Moon calmly said even though all she wanted to do was press Rose's neck till she milked all the information out of her, but that would be stooping to her level, which wasn't something she looked forward to.

Rose let out a little giggle that only fuelled Moon's anger, "So he didn't tell you about our little rendezvous in the forest? Tut-tut. I am sure it was too good to share,  and you were busy fighting for your life."

Seeing how Moon's shoulder slumped because of the newly acquired information, Rose did a little victory dance in her head, "Ah! It happened during the time you were fighting for your life. Poor you, in love with a man that doesn't even care about you."

Moon felt her heart sink immediately but internally chided herself for letting Rose's words get to her. Ocean might have lied to her and done other unacceptable things, but he wasn't a cheater. He would never do that to her. And even if he wanted to cheat, it would never be with Rose. She was convinced that nothing had happened between the two. Rose was making up stories just to mess with her head.

Moon folded her hands in front of her chest and sighed dramatically, "I see you haven't gotten over my man. Rose, whatever happened between you two was in the past, and here you are daydreaming like a pathetic bitch."

One corner of Rose's lips curled into a smirk, "Did I hear you say your man? Moon, Moon, Moon. It seems you don't understand the handwriting on the wall. Ocean is not your man and never will be, and I am sure he would have begged to differ a few days ago when was shoving his tongue and other body parts into me."

Something about the look in Rose's eyes told her the lady wasn't bluffing, but she wasn't going to give the satisfaction of seeing her breakdown, "You know, for a married woman, you should be ashamed. Throwing yourself at a man, not just any man but your ex-lover and brother-in-law, that was pretty low."

"Oh sweetheart, Ocean isn't any man. You can never have what I had with Ocean no matter how hard you try."

A soft smile reached Moon's lips as she began, "I don't have to try hard to have anything with Ocean because what we have is stronger. Besides, I am the one carrying his child." She spoke as if she were talking to a five-year-old.

Moon's hand instinctively went to her stomach when she saw Rose's glare linger on it.

"We shall see how long you will be able to do that," Rose said with a smirk before leaving the room.

For a minute, Rose had contemplated attacking Moon again, but first, seeing how the lady had effortlessly evaded her attacks, she knew she had no chance of winning the fight and also knew the reason behind Moon's strength. Ocean's blood. Secondly, she wasn't stupid enough to know that Ocean would have her head on a silver platter if she did anything to Moon or the unborn child.

But she knew a perfect way to execute her plan even though she couldn't do it herself.

With one last turn in the dimly lit hallway, she barged into a room that had a man sitting on a chair with his back facing her.








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