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"grrkk." Ocean ignored the choking sound coming from the dead creature, as he twisted his stake in the dead man's chest.

In a matter of seconds, he retracted his stake and went for the next creature. Squinting his eyes at the rotten looking man, he launched forward with his weapon going right through the creatures eyes, and then he retracted his stake once again with so much speed that was invisible to the eyes, only to push it through the dead creature's chest.

"How are you holding up?" Ocean didn't need to turn to know who spoke, it was just him and Marcus fighting.

"These things are annoying."

After another two minutes.

"There are many of them!" Marcus continued to talk, not minding that he wasn't getting any response aside from the continuous choking sound usually followed by a loud thud, and then footsteps and loud growls of the creature's they were trying to get rid of.

"They are increasing!" Marcus whisper-yelled as he struggled to withdraw his stake from one of the creature's chest, and when he finally did, he almost fell on his back.

"You fat, ugly, stupid looking zombie." He muttered under his breath before swiftly moving to the side as one of the creatures went for his neck.

"What did you call them?" Ocean asked as he effortlessly kicked one of the creatures, sending it flying into one corner.

"Zombies!" Marcus yelled



"You know I can hear you, stop shouting."

"This bastard keeps coming for my neck like a vampire." Marcus complained as he forcefully rammed his stake into the stubborn creature's chest.

"I see. Tell me, my dear friend, what more do you know about these lovely friends of ours. Do you by chance know how we can end their wonderful lives for good?"

"Mmmm, let's recall. From what I read many centuries ago, these creatures were supposed to be the vampires but things went wrong or let's just say they turned out not to be what the so-called creator had expected, so she didn't want them again. The creator's name was Martha, she was a witch. On one certain beautiful evening, Martha was attacked by one of her minions, mind you, they were supposed to be at her command, her puppies, loyal and submissive. After she was attacked, and when I say attacked, I mean bitten, she was turned into one of them, that is to say that she herself became a zombie. You know, after she was bitten, things went out of control, the zombies went on a biting spree, and that was how they began to spread and multiply into hundreds. It was written that the witch had a daughter by name, Zara. Zara was training to be a great witch like her mother– get away from me you unwanted piece of shit!" Marcus yelled dramatically as he kicked yet, another stubborn zombie out of his way, and then continued his story.

"Of course, when the daughter found out about what happened to her mother she was heart broken and made it her mission to finish what her mother started, but by the time she could find a way to do that, the zombies were already multiplying and dominating. Not knowing what else to do, she decided to create her own army to fight the zombies, and that was how she created things like us that helped her fight the zombies. After the vampires were made, it was later found out that zombies don't die easily by staking them like we are doing now, why? because Martha made them from dead bodies. This whole time the world was turning upside down with the zombies and vampires as well as other creatures that were created to help fight, and humans running for their dear lives. One faithful day, the zombie creator's daughter was at home researching on how to help resolve the chaos when one of the zombies invaded her house, guess who the zombie was?"

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