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After a new found motivation in the restroom, Moon decided to go out and give Rex a piece of her mind and as for Ocean, she promised herself to have a very long discussion with him regarding her findings. But to her disappointment or probably relief,  Rex was nowhere to be found in the room, it was just Ocean and Marcus chatting animatedly or more like, Marcus talking non-stop and Ocean pretending to listen while his eyes were settled on the approaching girl.

On reaching the table, Moon spared the two men a look before shifting her chair further away from Ocean, in her defence, Rex wasn't there anymore, no need for pretence, and she didn't want to appear too clingy.

But the man in question wasn't having it, as he took it upon himself to effortlessly shift the chair back to where it previously was or maybe, even closer.  

Moon visibly rolled her eyes at him, and maintained a frown of disapproval, but internally, she was squealing and grinning like a cheshire cat. At least I am not the clingy one, she told herself.

There was a brief silence that settled on the table, as both men were staring at her; one with mischief and the other, with admiration and longing. 

"So," she finally broke the silence, allowing her gaze to linger on Ocean for a few seconds before darting to Marcus. She continued,

"Where is Rex?" She asked the men, but looked at Ocean for an answer.

"Oh, he left." Ocean replied with a small smile that Moon found suspicious.

"What did you do?" She asked while flashing a suspicious look.

"What gave my beautiful lady the impression that I did something?"

"I don't know, maybe because you've been on his neck for a while now without my knowledge?"

"I see. Well, good news, he saw a few cops outside and ran for his dear life."

"And whose fault is that?"

"Not mine."

"Sounds like something you will say." She retorted with an eye roll

"Can we not talk about this here? Please?" She wanted to say something, but one look at his pleading face, she dropped the topic into their bucket list of things to discuss.

"Fine. I didn't know the owner of this restaurant is an acquaintance of yours?" She directed her question at Ocean whose brows instinctively furrowed to announce his confusion.

"What are you talking about? Owner of which restaurant?"

"This one of course. I already know that Marcus here, who I just found out is your best friend happened to be the owner of this homely restaurant." Ocean first stared at her with a blank expression before he turned to the grinning man sitting with them.

"Marcus? Owner of this restaurant?" Ocean gave Marcus a look that clearly said 'explain'

"ah, you see, my dear sister in-law, the restaurant doesn't actually directly belong to me." Marcus explained with an unmatched enthusiasm, making Moon's eyes to squint at him.

"I don't get, you said it yourself not more than an hour ago."

"I know I did, and that was because that friend of yours was being rude, but like I said earlier, the restaurant might not directly be mine, I can still call it mine because it belongs to my best friend, right Ocean?" Marcus flashed Ocean one of his infamous mischievous smiles.

"Marcus," Ocean called out in a warning tone

"You have another best friend apart from him?" Moon asked in confusion as her eyes darted between the two handsome men. Marcus chuckled before gracing her with the answer

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