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Rex loved the look of surprise her beautiful face held in realization of who he was. He couldn't help the little flutter in his chest on seeing her this close after the last incident in her apartment, which was ruined by Ocean. It had usually been him having his men keep tabs on her and report to him.

"Rex?" Moon called out

"Your one and only" As soon as the words left his mouth the waiter scoffed, gaining their attention

"And what are you still doing there?" Rex asked arrogantly making the waiter roll his eyes

"Mr Man, if you don't fix that attitude of yours I will be forced to ask you to leave my restaurant at once!"

"You wouldn't dare." Rex spat back making the waiter smirk at him, not a friendly smirk; it was a kind of smirk that screamed 'try me and see for yourself'

As usual, she expected Rex to call his boys to pull down the building and have the waiter arrested for talking to him like that, but none of that actually happened as the two men were just busy glaring at each other.

"you own this place?" Moon finally broke the silence, causing both men to turn to her.

"I do, and I hope you like it?"

"Of course I do! It is simple and comfortable to be in, which is rare to find in most restaurants nowadays, in fact, I love it." The Waiter beamed at her with his outstretched for a handshake which she gladly shook

"By the way I am Marcus"


"Perfect name I must say"

"oh please" Moon laughed a little, noticing way Rex was glaring at her and the handsome waiter.

"Can you get our food now?" Rex spat at Marcus while glaring at their joined hands

"I am sure you are starving" Marcus chuckled before walking away, but not before winking at Moon.

Moon turned her attention to the man sitting in front of her, taking in his appearance. It was as if he was disguising himself which was strange because the Rex she knew loves attention, but the one in front of her looks like he doesn't want anyone to see him. She knew something was off when the waiter threatened him, and he didn't retaliate.

An awkward tension grew between them, but Moon decided to start a conversation.

"Rex, I believe it is not a coincidence that we are here at the same time, how long have you been following me?" A small smile made its way to his lips

"Not long enough." Moon looked at him in disbelief

"What is with your style of dressing today, it is almost as if you are disguising?"

"Obviously I am, like you don't know what is happening!" The irritation in his voice didn't go unnoticed by moon as she stared at him in confusion

"What are talking about?"

"Moon, stop the pretense, it is beginning to irritate me" She could tell from the tone of his voice that he is holding back his anger.

"Rex, I swear that I don't know what you are talking about right now. What am I pretending not to know?" Rex scanned her face and immediately knew she was telling the truth, which made him happy, it would be easier to manipulate her that way.

"Are you trying to tell me you don't know what is going on?" His question only made her confusion run deeper

So you didn't know that your pussy of a boyfriend set me up and now the cops are after me?" She only stared at him in more confusion as she tried to make sense of his sentence

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