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It was three in the afternoon when Moon sat on the bed and waited for Ocean to come out of the bathroom. He was taking forever to shower.

Smiling, she got out of bed, walked towards the bathroom and knocked on the door twice.

"Are you going to come out, or should I come in and carry you out?" She asked in a mocking voice and got no response. "Hello! Say AYE if you are still alive, and NAY if you are not!"

"Nay!" He responded.

"Ha! That means you are still alive, dummy!" She grinned when she heard him laugh. Before she could think of something else to say, the door opened, causing her jaw to drop open in awe of getting to see him shirtless, well, almost naked because all he had on him was a towel covering the lower region.

"I know, I know, I am hot. Please close your mouth. We don't want you swallowing a fly now, do we?" Ocean teased, walking past her, and she trailed behind him like a puppy, probably enjoying the back view even more.

"Geez, can you stop drooling? You are making me shy." Ocean joked and chuckled as he saw how her eyes were glittering.

"Hello?!" Ocean waves his hand in front of her face, but she swatted it away before poking his abs.

"They are real!" Her eyes dramatically went wide as if not believing her eyes.

"You are beautiful." She whispered

"And so are you."

Her eyes trailed from his torso to his flawless chest which had an almost faded scar. Instinctively, her hand shot out to touch it, almost shuddering at the contact.

"How did you get this?" She asked to distract herself from the tingles spreading all over her body.

"I want to be honest with you, but you have to promise that you won't freak out."

"I promise."

"Okay, I got it as a result of me trying to end my life." She looked up at him, waiting for him to start laughing, declaring it to be a joke but nothing came. In fact, he looked uncomfortable as that was the first time he had ever told anyone about him being suicidal.

"Why?" She whispered against his chest, confusion clear in her voice. Ever since she had come to know him, she had always seen him as an unbreakable, tough, dependable man who lives his life with little to no trouble, seeing that he has everything he needs. Even though she wouldn't like to admit it openly, but she too has come to depend on him in many ways. For example, she depends on him for emotional support, companionship, lover affection and many other things.

She couldn't help the feeling of guilt that washed over her, realising that up to that moment, everything had been about her, about what she wanted and what she didn't want, making her the centre of attention when it was supposed to be both of them.

She knew little to nothing about him, but he knew almost everything about her. She didn't know where he was from, she hadn't seen his real family, she didn't know anything about his childhood, only that it was bad. Somewhere deep down, she knew that he wouldn't say a word about himself if she didn't ask him.

"Eh...." He began but trailed off, not knowing how to explain his complicated life without scaring her.

"Why did you want to kill yourself?" She repeated the question while staring deep into his blank eyes. She felt a pang in her chest at the thought of him shutting her out.

"Do you even trust me?" She asked, not backing down from the staring contest. After the longest thirty seconds of the century, he nodded.

"Yes, I trust you." Came his calm voice, his eyes softening to the last bit. It was like he had no willpower, and it scared him. Wrapping her arms around him, she went on her tiptoes to steal a kiss, a deep one.

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