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"No! That one had a heart, but this one in front of me doesn't. The Rex I knew would never let me live with the guilt of something I didn't do and would never do what you have done to me! The Rex I knew isn't the one inside this video, shoving his tongue down Jasmine's mouth!" Rex flinched at her outburst. He could almost taste the disgust in her voice, all for him. "So all those times I saw you two together back then -I can't believe I was so dumb to believe that you people were doing business. What game are you playing? You are married to Jane, chasing after me, declaring your love for me, and at the same time, you are having an affair with our cousin."

"I can explain —"

"Let me finish. Do you know what it feels like to be dragged by people, especially when they are your family members? Do you know the amount of shame I had to face? Do you know what it feels like to lose your respect? Do you know what it feels like to carry the guilt of sleeping with your sister's husband, unintentionally?

All this time, I was seen as a bitter girl who was jealous of her sister for getting married to a rich punk. I have been seen as a lady who seduced her sister's husband. This isn't fair! All these while I have been wallowing in self-loath, I hated myself for sleeping with my sister's whore of a husband! Rex, you knew very well that we didn't do anything that night, but you couldn't find it in yourself to tell the truth, and you are here to say you love and want me?." She took a deep breath to calm her wild breathing. She continued, "All these times, I have allowed people to treat me like trash, including you and your mistress, Jasmine. She is your wife's best friend for crying out loud! Even if you don't love my sister, you could have at least waited after the divorce. A little respect wouldn't kill you— "

"What happened that night wasn't intentional! It was all Jasmine's plan!" Rex interrupted her when he couldn't hold in any longer.


"Just let me explain."

"Start doing it already!" Moon snapped at him.

"It was all Jasmine's plan, I swear. As you already know, the marriage between your sister and I was an arranged business marriage. The initial plan was for me to get married to Jasmine, but along the line, plans changed, and that was when I ended up with your money-thirsty sister."

"Wait, you were supposed to get married to Jasmine instead of Jane?"

"Yes, I was supposed to get married to Jasmine, but your father went behind Jasmine's father to seal the deal with my family. In his defence, his brother, Jasmine's father, wasn't up to the task."

"So what does that have to with me? How did I get into the picture? Why am I the one being hurt and not my greedy father? Did Jane also know about it?"

"I don't know. When Jasmine found out she was supposed to be the one getting married and not Jane, she was angry and hurt, I guess. I don't know how, but Jasmine found out about my feelings for you and decided to help me woo you. Along the line, one thing led to another, which led to things I am not proud of. But I swear, we only did it a few times." Rex tried to defend himself but only got a scoff from Moon.

"Rex, cheating is cheating, be it one time or nine hundred and ninety-nine times. The fact you still have that ring around that disgusting finger of yours gives you no right to look at other women lustfully, let alone sleep with them." Moon shook her head in disbelief.

To her, marriage wasn't a child's play. It should be a sacred agreement between the two parties in love and not some avaricious strangers. If she had the power, she would make business or arranged marriage a punishable offence by the law.

"So let me clarify something here," Said Ocean, who hadn't said or done anything other than listen to them. "Someone you were supposed to get married to offered to help you get together with someone other than her, and you didn't have a sixth sense that told you to run?" Ocean gave him a look that clearly said, 'You are stupid,'

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