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With a deep and intimidating frown on his handsome face, Ocean knocked loud enough on the door for the person inside to hear. His sensitive ears picked on the racing heart beat and the soft paddling of footsteps inside the house. When the door didn't open, he knocked a little bit louder than the first time, eliciting a loud gasp while the heart readied itself to jump out of her chest. What a sweet heart my neighbour I have, he thought to himself while internally smiling for being the cause of the person's fear. When he raised his hand to knock again he heard a voice,

"who is there?" asked the girl in a brave voice even though her heart is beating five times more than a normal heart

"your neighbour across" he answered with a smirk

"Neighbour? by this time of the day" the girl asked herself, but he heard it

 "My dearest new neighbour, to what do I owe this visit?"

"Keep your horrible voice down, you are disturbing the neighbourhood and me especially"

"Huh? how did you hear it?" she questioned,

"it doesn't matter just keep your terrific voice down or just stop singing and sleep"

"Mr new neighbour, don't you think it is rude to come to a person's house and tell the person what to and what not to do?"

"No, I think it is rude for you to come from nowhere and disturb the peace of the neighbourhood"

"I didn't come from 'nowhere' Mr. Neighbour,"

"Does it look like I care?"

"why are you angry at me? you don't even know me"

"why won't I be angry at you for interrupting my sleep after a long day at work?" you know you don't sleep right? he rolled his eyes at his inner mind

"Mr. neighbour, if that is all you came to do, I would advise you to go back to your apartment before I call the security on you."

"security? I dare you to call them and I would have them throw you out my estate this minute" He was yet to close his mouth when he heard the door open and close immediately. His gaze fell on the girl he was much taller than as she was craning her neck to look at him. Her big sparkling honey brown eye looked surprised at first before it turned into a glare. The other eye was covered with an eye patch while her hair was covered in an oversize bonnet. 

Ocean unknowingly frowned at the figure in front of him as he sized her up. What did Stone see in her? all I can see is a bunch of chubby cheeks that I would like to sink my fangs into, okay that's too much.

'Who the hell wears sun glasses in the night? This is scary and funny. He is a bad neighbour so I hope he runs into a wall while wearing it' she thought to herself, but he heard it and internally chuckled. For the record, he enjoys invading peoples minds.

"Why are you wearing sunglasses by this time of the night?" she blurted and internally bit her tongue

"None of your business" he retorted, making her scoff

"Whatever. Did you just say your estate? what makes you think I care? I paid for the house, I am not living here for free which gives you no right at all to make me uncomfortable" she stated with her hands crossed on her chest.

"look here rabbit teeth neighbour- " her brows furrowed as those words left his godawful mouth,

"Did you just call me RABBIT TEETH NEIGHBOUR?" he nodded and then continued,

"I am not here to exchange words with you, but to tell you to keep your voice down"

"um.....okay. You can go back to your abode now"

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