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"Breaking news. A total number of 35 new dead bodies were found in the streets this evening. The government–" Without waiting for the newscaster to finish the familiar news, Desmond turned off the television they had taken from Moon's apartment and tossed the remote on the sofa.

"The same thing." Desmond groaned and leaned into the sofa.

For more than three weeks, this has become a familiar line to everyone. Every day, dead bodies are found in the streets. The government asks the citizens to stay inside their houses as a shoot-at-sight order has been passed, and everyone is expected to lock their doors and remain inside like good citizens.

Desmond entered the master bedroom, where Stone was pressing a warm towel on an unconscious Moon's forehead.

It had all started as a normal fever before she began throwing up everything her stomach deemed unworthy and her body burning up. But everything took a one-eighty turn, when she became weaker and weaker, col our draining from her body, making her look very pale and drained. She had also lost a lot of weight, making her look so fragile and vulnerable.

Day after day, her sickness became worse to the point that she couldn't stand or walk, but with the help of Sophia, who had been helping her wash up and do other girly stuff that the guys couldn't handle, everything seemed to be okay.

"How is she?" Desmond asked before gently settling beside her and taking her colder-than-usual palm into his warmer ones.

"Worse," Stone answered with a sore look on his usually cheerful face. He continued

"Her condition is not getting better, and I am afraid that pressing cold or hot water won't solve the problem."

"I don't know why this is happening now that Ocean isn't around. I wouldn't say I like seeing her like this....so lifeless. Let's take her to a physician, please."

"Trust me, I would have loved to, but you know our hands are tied. Taking her outside exposes her to more danger, and you know this house is under protection, which we are not supposed to leave until Ocean comes they come back."

"I know, how long are we going to sit inside here and watch her suffer in pain –I have an idea. Why don't we bring the physician here ourselves? What is that woman's woman's name again?– Alice. Mrs Alice, let's go and bring her. That way, no harm will come to her." Desmond brightened

"How many times will I tell you that Mrs Alice went with Ocean on the expedition."

"How about other physicians? There must be someone somewhere."

"Desmond, we don't know what kind of creatures are lurking in the dark waiting to attack. It will be very unreasonable to go outside now."

"Hey! Your eyes are red!"

"It is normal. I haven't fed from a living thing in a while."

"Does it have any other effect other than red eyes?"

"I don't think so." Stone lied. He didn't want to mention that his fangs were aching and his throat was feeling strange.

"Good because we don't need you going crazy on us."

"So what are we going to do? We have to do something. Is there no way we can get a word out to Ocean?"

Stone taught for a moment, and a little smile broke out on his face.

"I think I have an idea, but it is quite risky."

"If that risk will be effective, then it will be worth it."

"Okay, boys, get out of here. Time for some clean up." Sophia chimed as she walked in, her damp hair falling like a curtain around her.

Stone's eyes lingered on her a little longer than necessary. She was indeed a beautiful and sophisticated woman. Every time he remembered that she had a thing for Ocean, it always put him off. Seeing her take care of Moon like a sister and not being annoyingly rude or hostile scored her some points.

When the guys exited the room, Sophia gently closed the door with a small smile, not missing the way Stone was ogling at her seconds ago.

She turned to the woman lying on the bed and sighed.

"Wake up soon, okay? I miss you trying to annoy me." She smiled weakly at the unconscious girl on the bed.

She disposed of the water stone used earlier and got a fresh one for cleaning her body.

She smiled and frowned at the same time. She also didn't like seeing Moon like that. Though she was always hostile and distant from Moon, that didn't mean she hated her. It was a difficult thing to do, considering how Moon was always trying to engage her in a conversation or make her do some things she thought were weird, such as painting her nails and blow-drying her hair. Those weren't things she was used to. Another thing she liked about Moon was that she never gave her a judgemental look anytime she admitted to not knowing anything. The girl was easygoing and fun to be with.

At a point, Sophia understood why Ocean and the guys were trapped in her charms. She was beautiful on the inside and outside. She was always trying to help anytime she could. Having said all that, it doesn't mean that she has given up her feelings for Ocean even though he had already sister-zoned her.

Her thinking was brought to an abrupt halt when Moon started coughing hysterically, but what surprised her was the trails of blood on her face.

Slowly, Sophia wiped Moon's bloody face with the towel and went to the bathroom to discard the water.

Coming back to the room, Sophia let out a loud gasp as she took in Moon's appearance.

"Guys, get in here!" She yelled from the room, and in less than 10 seconds, the guys came rushing into the room

"What is the prob-" Stone began to ask, but as soon as his eyes landed on Moon, his eyes widened. "What did you do?!" Stone yelled.

Sophia frowned at the accusation, "I didn't do anything! She just started coughing out blood, and now...."

"Is she still alive?" Desmond asked in a panicked tone.

"Of course. Relax, nothing will happen to her. Hand me the towel." Stone, who had managed to mask his fear with a brave one, collected the towel from Sophia and rushed towards Moon on the bed.

"Get me a bowl of water, please." Stone added, and Sophia immediately rushed to the bathroom to the bathroom.

Desmond eyed the blood oozing from Moon's nose and mouth with a sort of uneasiness. Seeing her like that reminded him of how he almost lost his sister.

"What are we going to do?" Desmond asked yet again.

Stone thought for a while as the wheels in his head turned at full speed in his search for a solution. After about 2 minutes, something flashed in his eyes as he looked at Desmond.

Determination. It was a look Desmond had never seen in Stone's eyes before. He just hoped that whatever the man was planning to do would work.

Stone's brows pinched together, "I would be away for a few hours. Please, take care of her. Don't open the door for anyone if you don't see me, okay?" Desmond just nodded.

"Where is he going to?" Sophia, who happened to catch a glimpse of Stone leaving the house, asked.

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