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After the short lunch Ocean and Moon shared at the small restaurant down the street, Ocean happily led her back to her office, and decided to have a little fun with the men Rex sent to kidnap her.

He walked out of the building in long strides. His hawk-like eyes scanned the environment until his eyes landed on the black Jeep parked in a corner where it wouldn't be noticed. In slow, but steady footsteps, he walked towards the car and entered without warning or permission, startling the three well built men inside.

"How long are you going to sit here?" He asked dryly as the men still had the look of shock on their rough faces. They looked at each other, trying to make sense of the situation.

"your boss is such a fool, why didn't he come himself? I wonder who taught him that you can win a woman's heart by kidnapping her.....in her workplace"

"Sorry? who the hell are you?" The man in the front seat asked with a deep frown

"How about I send you there to make enquiries yourself, I am quite popular in hell." Ocean answered with an eerie smile that made the man frown.

"You have been following our boss's girl around like a puppy, and now you have the guts to come here- in fact, Get out!" The man sitting beside him commanded in a deep voice, making Ocean chuckle before landing his strong elbow on the man's face, who immediately became unconscious. The driver and the man sitting in front looked at the scene in shock

"That was pretty easy. I can't believe he couldn't stand such a soft hit, just imagine I hit him with all my strength, his head will definitely fly out of the window. He is as incompetent as his boss" Ocean spoke to himself with an evil glint in his eyes while watching blood trickle down the man's nose

"Who are you and what do you want?" The man sitting in the passenger seat questioned with a furrowed brow

"Nothing much. I only want you to tell your boss to prepare his heart for what is about to hit him. I hate stupid people like him, and he is getting on my nerves. Trust me, it does not always end well when people get on my nerves. Tell him next time he sends people to my property, I will send back their heads in a sack bag, it is a promise." He said in a low voice, but the message was clear and loud as the men just watched him speak. He continued,

"I am not normally this generous, but because I am in a good mood today, I will let you people go. You have less than 20 minutes to take your friend to the hospital if not he is going to die of internal bleeding" He opened the car door and hopped out in a swift move. Without wasting any moment the men drove off at a fast speed, with hope of saving their colleague's life before reporting back to their boss.

Ocean confidently walked back into the building with the intention of assisting Bobby until the time of work was over.

Later in the evening, Moon sat on the kitchen counter with her eyes following Ocean's slightest movements as he walked around cooking his special meal for her.

"Are you ready for tomorrow?" Ocean asked with a wide grin, and she frowned

"What is happening tomorrow?"

"The wrestling, you promised to come"

"did I?"

"You can't back out now"

"Geez I am not backing out"

"That's my girl" He winked and smirked at her from across. She ignored the flutter in her belly, and settled for a fake gag, making him chuckle

"I am not your girl" She stated firmly, but held a soft smile on her face. He walked round to settle on the stool beside her while intensely staring at her

"How do you know that?"

"Know what? That I am not your girl?"


"what sort of question is that?"

"....." He continued staring at her brown eyes

"Mr neighbour, you probably don't know this, but I will explain it to you. A lady cannot be your lady without any form of existing relationship between you two." she stated calmly while trying so hard to keep up with his intense gaze from across. Without saying a word, he walked round to settle himself on the stool beside her

"What do you mean by an existing relationship? We are good neighbours-"

"where in the world did you hear that being good neighbours can be counted as a relationship?"

"You didn't let me finish .....And I like you, a lot.....No, I have fallen in love with you...I am in love with you" She stared at him blankly while blinking several times. She cleared her throat for a start,

"Mr neighbour, have you ever been in a relationship before?"

"what do you think?"

"I don't know...I don't really know what type of person you are"

"That hurts. So all this while we've been together you still can't tell what type of person I am"

"says who?"

"Okay then let me hear what you think of me"

"Okay. For a start, I know you are a very obnoxious human being, and you have a very high tendency of sticking your long sharp nose into other people's business, but having said that, I really think you are good guy" Ocean stared at her blankly for a while before chuckling

"But not good enough for you right?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, am I not good enough for you?"

"I don't really want to talk about such things right now, I had a hectic day at work"

"I know you had a hectic day at work, that is why I am cooking a delicious meal for you. But you have to answer my question, am I not good enough for you? What do you want in a man you don't find in me?" He moved his stool close to her before cupping her face in his large hands

"I don't know what you are talking about"

"Moon, you do know what I am talking about. You make me feel things deep down in my soul. At first, I thought it was a normal infatuation, but it is not. I barely control myself any time I see you or even think of these big brown eyes, small pink lips, your killer body, everything about you drives me crazy" Before She could open her mouth and reply, she felt another pair of lips on hers, causing her eyes to widen. She thought it was going to be a simple peck, but he had other plans for her as she felt his warm tongue touch her lips before gently slipping into her mouth that was slightly open.

She internally yelled at him to stop, but in reality, her eyes kept widening at the contact as she unknowingly started rubbing her own tongue against his, making him groan. Her head felt light as she felt his hand move slowly to the nape of her neck, pulling her closer to him. She felt like was put inside a box with no air, because all the air left her lungs, and for a moment she thought she was going to pass out on him, but she didn't as he surprised her by abruptly breaking the intense kiss.

"Shit...let us stop here for today, if not we are both going to end up tangled in your bed for the next one week or one month" He whispered against her lips, and then pecked her lips twice with the most lustful eyes she has ever seen. Stylishly, she tightened her legs while the lower part of her belly experienced numerous volcanic eruptions. She tried so hard to get rid of the electrifying tingles all over her body. She wanted to pull away from his hold, but didn't find the strength as he held her captive with his burning gaze.

After a while of not knowing what to say or do, she slowly summoned her brain cells in order to say something to him.

"You are saying nonsense Mr neighbour. You know very well I can't get involved with you. Our worlds are very wide apart. As you already know, I have lots of problems piled on my plate, and I don't want to add more"

"So if I solve those problems you will be with me?"

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