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"you are insane" Moon squinted her eyes at him and he grinned.

"And whose fault is it?"

"So how did you find this place?" her eyes scanned the place with a smile, ignoring his question.

"Why do you ask? do you like it?"

"yes, for a reason, it gives a sense of peace"

"are you sure about that?" Ocean looked at the lake in front of them and sighed. Suddenly he felt a slight jerk in his ear alerting him of danger. Moon who was still enjoying the scene of the lake in front of her didn't notice the change in the atmosphere. She continued talking,

"Yes. Don't you think so?"

"I don't" His eyes scanned the environment as his body went into a defence mood

"really? that's strange since you said it is your secret place"

"I know. Can you do something for me?"

"you want me to do something for you in the middle of this isolated place?" Moon eyed him suspiciously as her heart beat accelerated.

"What an interesting neighbour I have. Get your head out of the gutter, I don't want to ask for sex, at least not now that there is danger."

"what do you mean by danger? don't tell me this place is hunted" Moon's body went rigid as she kept turning her head in all directions in search of the danger.

"if you must know, this lake is hunted" Ocean decided to have a little fun with his neighbour. He stood up from the chair to smoothen his short.

"do you know why I stopped coming here?"

"No. Why did you stop coming here?"

"The last time I came here I saw two naked men dancing on the lake-"

"on it? That's weird." Moon immediately covered her mouth with her palm as colour drained from her face

"Guess what they did after dancing?"

"What did they do?"

"After the dance, they suddenly disappeared and then again, boom! they reappeared behind me " Moon jumped a little on the chair with wide eyes as she felt a presence behind her back. When she turned, she was met with her Ocean who had a grin plastered on his face.

"Mr Neighbour! How -please let's leave" as she looked at him. Ocean tucked his lips into his mouth as he tried to suppress his laughter, but couldn't for long as he saw a tear drop roll down her face. He sat down back on the chair as his laughter echoed through the forest making Moon frown

"You are so gullible! did you really believe that?" Moon glared at him

"you played me! How could you?" She lightly hit him on the chest making Ocean laugh more.

"I couldn't are so cute when you are scared."

"that wasn't funny" just as she closed her mouth, Ocean's sensitive ears picked the light rustling of leaves in the forest that got closer with each passing second. His frown deepened when he caught sight of the big black wolf creeping l in on them.

"Do me a favour, do not look behind okay?" He said in a serious tone, but Moon thought it was another of his joke.

"why? you think I am going to fall for your trick again?" she stared at him with a smile while he stared intensely at something behind her.

Her back went rigid when she heard a low growl from behind; where she was asked not to look.

"Mr neighbour, what was that?"

"Something you wouldn't want to see"  she heard the growl again and colour once again drained from her face.

"I have a question that I would be happy if I am graced with an honest reply. Is this by chance a wild forest?"

"Sort of" Moon looked at him with watery eyes again

"what was I thinking when I followed you out like a lamb and now I am about to be slaughtered by a bunch of unseen creatures"

"oh, I am seeing one already, it is right behind you" Moon heard the crunching of leaves behind her and her breath ceased for a moment. She looked at her neighbour who seemed to be more relaxed.

"Can I at least turn and look at it before it devours us" she continued looking at

"you can only look if you promise not to scream"

"how hideous is it?" on hearing the question, the creature growled in anger as it's eyes met with Ocean's as if they were communicating.

"I don't think our friend over there likes to be called names." Ocean stood from the chair and maintained his stare at the wolf. The big animal bared his teeth, ready to attack.

"Mr neighbour what are you doing?"

"I am going to talk to our visitor"

"are you insane?"

"Remember you told me I was insane earlier, and now again, you are asking me if I am insane"

"Stop joking. That animal is going to tear not just your flesh, but also your large bones apart"

"Is that so? I would like to see it try. My dearest rabbit teeth neighbour, all you have to do for me is to sit here and close those beautiful eyes of yours and don't open it no matter what happens except if I ask you to okay?"

"Are you sure about this?"

"Trust me, my love"

"I am not your love" Ocean grinned at her before gently patting her head

"close your eyes" Moon complied while Ocean turned to the animal that has been staring at them.

"calm down and let me help you" Ocean spoke calmly as he started taking delicate steps towards the wounded wolf, but the animal didn't let down his guard, instead he took dangerous steps towards Ocean who didn't even bother to move back as his footsteps where firm against the ground.

"Trust me I want to help, I am not going to hurt you" The animal continued to take slow dangerous steps towards the man who didn't seem fazed by his size and carnivorous nature. Ocean knew that the black creature was severely injured as the smell of fresh blood wafted to his nose.

The wolf won't be able to last long in a fight with other creatures as well as him. Fighting with animals is nothing new to him he knew exactly how to handle the situation.

Moon on the other hand had her eyes tightly closed as her heart thudded against her chest while she listened to Ocean talk to whatever animal behind that is behind her. She braced herself and fought the urge to not open her eyes as instructed by Ocean who is having a hard time to persuade the animal. She tried her best to think of something that will distract her from the current situation.

On the other hand, Ocean and the wolf glared at each other

"you leave me no choice" Ocean muttered under his breath as him and the animal launched at each other just at the same time. When he was close enough to the wolf he swiftly moved to the side making the wolf miss his target of clawing at his neck. Before the wolf could regain his balance he felt something hard hit his head making his vision blurry.

The wolf staggered back and shook his head, trying to overcome the feeling of dizziness, but that didn't last long as he fell to the ground.

Ocean smiled at the unconscious wolf before he started walking towards it, but halted the moment he saw another angry wolf a few feet away from him and the unconscious wolf. As if in cue, the loud shriek of his neighbour echoed through the forest making his head immediately snap to her direction with a worried expression.


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