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"Honey, vampires are real. We are real. And you are one of us. You are real."


She locked eyes with him in the mirror for a few seconds before breaking into a fit of laughter.

"I must say, you almost got me there. Do you know how you sounded, 'Honey, Vampires are real. We are real. And you are one of us. You are real.' She did her best imitation of his deep voice before breaking into another fit of laughter.

Ocean couldn't do anything but stare at her worriedly. Of course, he wasn't expecting her to jump into his arms when she found out about it, but it was no longer about him. It was about them. He, Moon, and their unborn child that is inside of her.

He understood how she felt because he had been there before.


He was once human.

He was born human.

Growing up, he did things like humans, thought like them, and reacted to things like a human and not the beast he found himself to be.

Even though he was born into the family line of strong vampires, both parents were vampires, grandparents and the rest of his ancestors, as well as his brother Baxton. He still liked being the human he was.

Being the odd one out in the family, he had to suffer all manner of verbal, emotional, psychological, and physical abuse from family members, including his parents. However, he still found comfort in knowing he was nothing like them.

He knew being a vampire, or any creature at all had its perks, like becoming immortal and having extraordinary powers to do what humans would never attempt to do. But he would rather be a simple man or king, as he was supposed to take over from his father, have his own family, and die when he is supposed to.

But of course, there must be an ugly twist in everyone's story, or maybe it was just him.

Being human and waking up one day only to know that you have turned into something you don't want to or never planned on becoming. He had also been in denial. Even when the beast he turned into stared back at him, asking to be acknowledged.

He tried to kill himself on several occasions, but none worked. At the end of the day, it was still him, and there was nothing he could do other than accept the new him and make the most of it.


"Oh c'mon, you can do better than that, seriously. Vampires? Real? Where did you see them? In your dreams?" She beamed up at him triumphantly, in a way of telling him that his plans of scaring her had been uncovered.

"I am being serious." She giggled a little before placing her palm on his forehead.

"Have you been taking something you are not supposed to lately?" Ocean frowned before gently removing her hand from his face.

"You have to believe me."

"Of course I do." She replied calmly, the amusement still evident in her eyes.

"Moon, I am being serious here. We do exist."

Moon? He has never called me by my name before. She thought to herself.

"Seriously? That's the only thing you heard?" Ocean asked in disbelief


"I have been trying to tell you about us, but the only thing you are taking seriously is your name."

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