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"Don't be ridiculous Mr neighbour....."

All the way to the company Moon realized that she could be fired because of the little drama that took place earlier and to top it all off, it has been a while she left the company without permission or even telling anyone.

"For the millionth time, can you stop panicking?" Ocean tried to calm her down, but the girl wouldn't listen to any word coming from him.

"Mr neighbour if I get fired because of my careless attitude then I am totally doomed, like don't you get it? doomed for life. I won't be able to pay off my debts"

"Nobody is going to fire you. What debts are you talking about?"

"Forget about it. You can't be so sure that I won't be fired. I heard the boss is very strict when it comes to workers maintaining professionalism here in the company."

"Is that so?"

"yes. According to my colleagues, nothing passes the man's long nose"

"Your colleagues have quite a large mouth themselves."

"No they don't. It was just a heads up for me to be careful and now I just messed up my whole career"

"if it makes you feel better I will talk to the boss on your behalf. I mean, he can't be that bad" Ocean internally groaned at himself

"I heard the boss come once in a blue Moon. I haven't seen him myself since I started working here. Wait a you work here?" Ocean looked at her and smiled before shaking his head

"Yeah right, you own an estate. So how did you end up here earlier....I am really beginning to suspect you"

"It is nothing new, you are always suspecting me. I actually came to see a friend of mine that works here."

"oh okay. A man or a.....?" she started to ask but stopped the moment she realized  how absurd the question is

"or a....?"

"You already know the remaining"

"No I don't...don't be shy"

"I am not shy"

"then finish it. man or...."

"Fine...Man or woman?"

"I came to see a woman. Why do you ask?" he lied fluently


"Okay." Ocean looked at her with a small smile playing on his lips but he didn't say anything

"Mr neighbour what are you smiling at?"

"I am smiling at you of course. You make me happy and I wonder why." She instinctively squinted her eyes at him, knowing it is his way of getting reactions from her so she just settled with the best,

"oh. I better hurry back to my office as it seems I have some explanation to do"

"Okay, Good luck with not getting fired" Moon flashed him a small smile before walking away with a little wave. His eyes lingered on her back side as many inappropriate thoughts ran through his dirty mind.

"Has it gotten to that?" Ocean turned around to see Stone leaning against the wall with a wide grin he has still not gotten used to.

"Where are you coming from?" Ocean pretended to not hear the question. they started walking towards the staircase.

"Actually I was about asking you the same"

"But you weren't smart enough to. Now answer me, where did you go to?"

My Careful LoverWhere stories live. Discover now