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Rain heavily poured down against the earth as if they were at war while wind blew harshly against people's buildings, threatening to tear it down to the foundation. Moon sat on her bed with her laptop on her thighs, undisturbed by the down pour. In a matter of minutes, the heavy rain and wind reduced, leaving a calm and cold atmosphere behind. She tried her best to understand what she was working on, but nothing made sense to her as her thoughts kept wandering. When she finally got tired of staring at her laptop's screen, she closed and placed it on the nightstand to have a good sleep. After what felt like five minutes into her sleep, she heard a loud banging on her door that almost shook the building. Out of fright, she remained in her bed and clutched her chest. After a few seconds she heard the loud bang again followed by a familiar voice

"Please open the door" The loud and strong voice of her neighbour greeted her ears, and she ran to the door and opened it, her eyes slightly widened as she looked at him

"what happened to you? come in" She held the door wide open for him to enter while looking at his drenched body

"I will explain later" Ocean stepped into the apartment, and started to remove his wet boots. On the other hand, Moon stood in front of the closed door, her eyes greedily drank in his wet figure as his clothes clung to his wet body, outlining every perfect part of his body. She has never seen any man as perfectly molded as the man in front of her. She imagined herself running her itchy hands all over his body till her sense of belonging leaves her body

Noticing that the girl behind him isn't moving, Ocean turned around and caught her staring at his behind. He just grinned at her while shaking his head.

"Before you swallow me whole, can I at least use your bathroom"

"Sure" She let out a shaky breath as she tried not to imagine many unimaginable things. As if in a daze, she led the way to her room, and pointed at her bathroom

"There is a spare towel in the drawer or....you can use mine" Did I just offer him to use my towel? what is happening!

"I was beginning to wonder who the spare towel was for" She took a few steps back to give him space and watched how he graciously removed his sleeveless shirt before turning to her with an intense gaze

"You have been looking at me like that.....and it is getting more difficult to hold back." in two confident long strides, he covered the space between them and leaned in to kiss her forehead

"you want me too don't you? All you have to do is to ask" He held her chin in between his index finger and his thumb before plastering a wet kiss close to her lips, and then went down to her cheeks, purposely avoiding her lips.

"I have been dying all day to touch you the way I want. I had to rush back here immediately after work. Your flimsy night gown is not helping me" He slowly turned her around to have her back against his cold and hard body. He lifted the hem of the short transparent night gown over her head for easy access. In gentle moves, he sucked her earlobes, and then went ahead to leave wet kisses on her neck, making her bite her lower lip.

"I have never been this horny all my life" without warning, he took her hand and placed it on the aching flesh in between his legs, letting out an animalistic groan. As soon as she realized what she was touching, she gasped and tried to retract her hand, but his grip was firm.

"Now, you see what you've done to my poor family maker....it aches so bad that I feel like I am going to explode." He turned her around again and immediately delved into her mouth. His tongue touched every corner of her mouth as if searching for a hidden treasure, it was as if he was the one who wanted to swallow her whole.

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