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Chapter 1: The Return of the Queen. (Finale) (<>)

Ai Xi and Fang Yizhou have not seen each other since they parted during the Spring Festival.

Both of them usually only call each other when they have free time, asking about their work progress and getting along with friends when chatting. They kept a tacit pace and decided to realize their dreams first.

As Ai Xi prepared for the end of "Cooking Battle", Fang Yizhou also took his JK club to get a ticket to the World Championship, the only Chinese team to enter the World Championship.

She knew that Fang Yizhou valued this competition very much, and definitely did not want to leave the team. Moreover, Ash did not want her loved ones to see her haggard and painful appearance after chemotherapy, so she did not tell Fang Yizhou about it.

As for Oliver, because Ash was afraid that after he knew his illness, he would run back to China early, or run to activate Michelin for himself. She didn't want her friends to owe favors everywhere for this, so she didn't tell him, and asked Su Yang not to tell Oliver for the time being, saying that she didn't want all her friends to see this haggard pitiful appearance.

So, seeing the two of them appear at the airport now, Ash was so surprised.

"Xixi, you are so stupid, don't be stunned, we are all waiting for you to cook!" Ying Zheng saw her standing in place, looking shocked, and had already run to her side, holding her hand and moving forward.

"Classmate Aixi," Fang Yizhou smiled with a hooked mouth, the end of his eyes raised, "Don't look at me with such eyes, it's only been a few months, and you don't know Teacher Fang?"

Oliver hugged her, "Xixi, why have you been gone for so long, I've been waiting for you for almost a week!" Secretly tell you that I have a birthday present for you in secret!


of them mentioned the illness, as if she had only traveled for a trip, and they came to pick up the airport en masse.

Ai Xi's heart was soft, and he bent his eyes and smiled, "Cheng, let's go to the restaurant now, in order to thank you, Chef Ben personally came down and made a full banquet?!"

The group echoed her and began to order, not at all ambiguous. And Ash was surrounded by them, walking briskly outside the airport.

Even Yuyan looked at this picture, her eyes were a little hot, she always said that her daughter was hiding in the kitchen and had no friends. Now it seems that she is really doing well, not only has many friends, but also is very sincere. She felt that she was a mother who was a bit remiss and always accused her children of this and that it was not good, but in fact she did not really understand them at all.

She didn't look forward to a miracle discovery like she does now, and she hoped that her daughter would survive, and at that time, she would definitely support all her hobbies and dreams.

People, why do you always know to regret and pray when it is too late?

Shiheng Restaurant is not open today, because considering that Ai Xi has just experienced a long flight and has just started chemotherapy, it is better to rest more.

However, what they didn't expect was that Ash still didn't leave the kitchen after cooking for his friends.

She asked the kitchen assistants to assist her in making all the dishes in the restaurant, from the first home-cooked dishes to the next two creative dishes.

Everyone thought she was a little crazy, but looking at her focused appearance, no one could bear to destroy her attachment.

But what they don't know is that Ash is not so "crazy" because he has tongue cancer and is afraid that he will not have the opportunity to cook in the future.

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