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Chapter 77: Do You Need Me to Strike Directly?

Because he killed a Wanfu building halfway, Ai Xi did not stay in school long, and immediately went to the restaurant after paying the tuition.

At the moment, it was still early, and it was not even lunchtime, so there were no people in the two restaurants.

But - there is a billboard standing in front of Wanfulou, and the picture on it is directly copied from the Weibo run by Aixi.

Originally, they dug their own chef Liu Kun, and it is not surprising that they did such a thing now. It's just that Ai Xi didn't expect that Liu Kun really had this ability, and could actually make her creative dishes by pictures?

Ai Xi didn't believe it at all, but he was just a little disappointed by Liu Kun's behavior. He is a mortal after all, even if he has hinted to him in the past, Wanfu Lou may not open for long, but he still obeys Li Jiayan.

She stood at the door of the restaurant, but did not go to Wanfu Lou, today the first day of the opening of Shiheng Restaurant, she will cook in the kitchen at noon and evening.

Therefore, Ash will not go to Wanfulou to try the dishes again, but she will not sit still.

She immediately called Oliver and asked them to go to Wanfulou instead of herself to taste the taste, not to do any damage, just to see if the other party had that ability.

Oliver showed a fighting spirit for the task that Ash had given him, and he thought that the goddess trusted him, so he entrusted her with such a heavy task.

Because Shiheng Restaurant is pre-ordered, ingredients must be purchased in advance, so part of the deposit will be paid in advance. Even if Wanfulou made such a gimmick, the restaurant's business on this day was still good.

Of course, because the location of Shiheng Restaurant has been scheduled for a month, the business of Wanfu Lou is unexpectedly okay.

At 9:30 p.m., Ash finished cooking for the last guest, from the kitchen to the hall.

The style here is completely different from before, and the pompous crystal lamps have all been replaced with warm orange decorative lights, which gives the whole restaurant a warm atmosphere. The sound of the piano is like gurgling water, which is delightful.

Ash came out to greet her, and she responded with a smile and asked how everyone tasted and if there was anything for improvement.

"Oh my God, Chef Ai is so young and beautiful!"

"It's delicious, it's the best private restaurant I've ever eaten, Chef Ai, your presentation is fantastic, it's comparable to what I've eaten in Michelin restaurants before!"

"It's perfect, that roast beef with pear sauce is so sweet, barbecue usually roasts the beef dry, but you are really too smooth and tender!"


The guests responded enthusiastically, either commenting on the taste, or commenting on the presentation, or praising herself, all in short, all positive words.

Ash knew he was half the battle.

She stood in the center of the piano in the living room and bowed slightly to everyone, "Thank you for your recognition and support, Shiheng Restaurant has just been reformed and upgraded, there may be deficiencies, there is a suggestion book at the door, you can leave a message at will, we will all read it." Of course, we will be grateful to you for being able to talk about your feelings on platforms such as Weibo or WeChat. Today is the first day of business after the reform, in order to thank everyone for their support, I would like to play a song for you and express my heart, thank you.

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