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Chapter 68: The Chef's Bitterness.

After the final exam, friends bought tickets to go home, after all, there is a Spring Festival in the middle of the winter vacation, and no matter what, they have to go home.

The exception was Oliver, who, as a Frenchman, did not return home at Christmas because of the end of the semester and decided to stay in China during the Spring Festival. Because he doesn't know if he'll go back to France to study halfway, he tries to stay as long as possible while he can try more food in China.

But in fact, everyone knows that he just wants to stay here, be with Ash, and join her in the development of her new dish.

Staying with Oliver was Su Yang, who was already alone, and it didn't matter if he went back later.

After Ai Zhongkun returned, he persuaded him to stay in Ai's house for the New Year, and Oliver was afraid of boredom when he stayed here alone, so he kept Su Yang together.

After hearing this, Ash breathed a sigh of relief, originally she was worried that she would not do well to develop creative dishes by herself during the holiday.

After all, the last time she developed a new dish in France, she went astray and caused irreversible results. This time to try again, it is not only a cheap thing for her to lose her job, but it is related to the survival and development of her own restaurant.

Of course, before studying new dishes, you have to figure out two things:

first, who destroyed the decoration of the restaurant a while ago; Second, how exactly did Wanfulou poach their chef.

Ash was busy with the final term and systematic punishment tasks, and she didn't have time to figure this out, but that didn't mean she didn't care.

The priority was to find out who was smashing the store, and she had to find out before she reopened whether the competitors were only the Wanfulou family, or other hidden enemies in the shadows.

For her, the most convenient thing is of course to go to Wanfu Lou to inquire about news.

Because if it is made by his family, then his family's ingredients may reveal something sooner or later, if it is not made by his family, then his camera, you can try to negotiate to get the video.

Ai Xi specifically did not have lunch at home this day, and came to Wanfulou early, and after the last battle with Li Lan, the entire Wanfulou people already knew her. But this time no one snubbed her anymore and served her like a normal guest.

She estimated that the Li family heard the news that the Ai family was going to marry the Fang family, coupled with the large flow of people during the winter vacation, they did not have a good image of the store for Ai Xi, so they held their breath.

Although the food was eaten, Ash could not detect anything from the mouth of the food served, because they lost the ability to communicate after they were cooked.

She had a trip to the back kitchen to hear what the fresh ingredients had to say.

But – how is she going to get in, that's a question.

The back kitchen of the restaurant is very important.

After thinking for a moment, Ash had an idea in her heart, and she ate slowly. Then she ordered several dishes from Ai's recipe, but the chef still made them, but she ate very little.

Finally, before the time was early, when the restaurant was about to leave work, she raised her hand and called the waiter.

The other party thought that she was going to pay, and came over happily, but listened to her ask: "Hello, is your chef Liu Kun here?" The

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