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Chapter 10: Taste Failure.

Fang Jinchao never expected that Ai Xi would ask him such a question, "Does the bell pepper taste appropriate", and the whole person was shocked.

He looked sideways at Ash, the expression on the other party's face was very sincere, probably finding that the atmosphere on the table was not right, and he was a little confused.

He coughed dryly, and instead of telling the truth of the matter, he replied: "Well... Not bad.

"Ding-" After Fang Jinchao's words, the system immediately prompted, "

The two humans surnamed Fang appreciate that the task has been completed, and the progress of the task implementation is fifty percent, please continue to work hard." As

soon as Ai Xi's heart relaxed, he didn't think much about the strange atmosphere just now, and smiled at Fang Jinchao: "Then you eat more, I see that you haven't moved chopsticks much, I think it's not delicious."

"No, it's fine." Fang Jinchao only thought that the girl was worried that the dish was not to her taste, so he asked so, and after answering, he sandwiched two more pieces of matsutake mushrooms to eat to show his sincerity.

Ashen snorted, in order to avoid appearing too deliberate, he turned the glass layer on the table again, and turned the honey fire square to Fang Wenzhao and them.

She said enthusiastically: "Grandpa Fang, Grandpa Lu, you can also taste this honey fire recipe, made by the chef at home, if it is delicious, I will also learn it."

"Xixi, you leave us alone, eat well, grandpa will not be polite." Fang Wenzhao waved his hand at her, and then pulled Lu Yizhi and Ai Zhongkun to chat.

The atmosphere at the dinner table slowly eased up, and it was a happy time until the end of the dinner.

After dinner, the three old men did not play chess, but sat in the garden and talked about the world, reminiscing about the year.

Because both parents went to the garden to enjoy the shade, Ash and his brother could not avoid it, and they all sat in the garden to chat.

"Xixi, these Yunnan dishes tonight are really agreeable, didn't you say you wanted a birthday gift just now?" Say it and let Grandpa Lu listen, as long as it can be done, Grandpa Lu will definitely give it to you. Lu Yizhi chatted and remembered the promise he made to the little girl in the afternoon.

Ai Xi has actually been struggling with whether to mention it tonight, after all, there are not only two people sitting in the garden, she and Lu Yizhi, especially her mother and Yuyan.

But——Lu Yizhi took the initiative to ask now, if she didn't say it now, it would be too contrived to mention it herself in a few days.

Forget it, find a way to pay back the favor you owe later!

As soon as Ai Xi gritted his teeth, he said bluntly: "Grandpa Lu, then I will say it bluntly." In fact, when I was in my third year of high school, I was very determined to study abroad, and I always felt that the moon abroad was relatively round. So I applied for a foreign school before, only waiting for the college entrance examination to see the scores, and then did not apply for domestic volunteers. But let's do it... After a summer vacation, I thought about it, I still want to stay in China to study, China is very good, there is no need to study abroad like others. So...... I don't know if Grandpa Lu can help me ask, in addition to re-entering the college entrance examination, there is any way to go directly to university. However, if it will be very troublesome for Grandpa Lu, then forget it~" "

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