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Chapter 97: Are Side Effects More Important Than Death?

The system's prompts made Ai Xi stop for a long time, her heart beat faster, and she had more confidence in the task of [fighting tongue cancer].

"What's wrong, Xixi?" Lian Yuyan saw her daughter suddenly pause, her face was not good, and hurriedly asked, "Is there something uncomfortable?" Bumping

into the worried expressions of his mother and Fang Jinchao, Ai Xi came back to his senses and shook his head, "It's okay, it's just that the long-distance plane is a little tired, let's go."

She casually made an excuse, although she now wanted to enter the system to see how much the so-called "space restrictions have been lifted", but the airport is obviously not a good location.

All have already arrived in France, and there is no rush.

Although less than a year later, the streets of France are still so familiar that Eich's heart sinks.

Rao is Ai Xi is very familiar with France, she did not raise any objections to Fang Jinchao's arrangement, even if she would detour and encounter traffic jams, she would be silent.

Ai Xi acted like a first-time visitor to France, her gaze kept falling on the European-style building outside, but the expression on her face did not change.

Lian Yuyan saw that her daughter's gaze had been falling outside the car window, and said with a smile: "The scenery in Paris is not bad, Xixi, I said that if you really come here, maybe you don't want to go back to China."

Ash's face paused slightly, and she glanced sideways at her mother, she smiled so softly, the most gentle in her two lives.

She smiled back and replied: "The scenery is good, but where is it comparable to my Greater China, just the food, it is enough for me to go back!"

At this time, her daughter still thinks about food, and even Yuyan really agrees that she is indeed seriously practicing her dream.

She hugged her daughter and said, "Xixi, you will be fine, and mother will not stop you anymore." But don't give up, okay?

Even Yuyan thought of Ai Xi a few days ago, she was still very afraid, people are always like this, they can only see through at the moment of life and death, and some things do not have to be so persistent.

She really doesn't have to stop her daughter from being a chef, after the reform of Shiheng Restaurant, she has been paying attention, and Ash is really doing well.

Several people were silent all the way, and an hour later arrived at the hospital where the doctor Wells was, Fang Jinchao had contacted him in advance, and Ash was examined after he passed.

Her luck was very bad, and the result diagnosed in this hospital was even worse than in China - the fourth stage of tongue cancer.

Wells told her that even if three-quarters of her tongue was cut off, there would still be a mortality rate of more than fifty percent.

And, after hearing about her previous work schedule, Wells did not tell her not to give up, as other doctors did, but criticized her harshly. He believes that Ash deserves to consume his body unscrupulously because he is young, and eventually drag himself down.

Aixi's face was pale, but it was not because of the doctor's strict criticism, but even if she went abroad, she still died.

But she knows that no matter what, it is her fate after all.

So, Ash just said to Wells: "Since cutting the tongue is also death, it's better not to cut it, conservative chemotherapy, always have to give it a shot, right?"

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