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Chapter 90: Contrasting Moe.

Before the recording of the first issue of "Culinary Battles", it had been gaining momentum in various media magazines and other channels for a long time. The ability of this group of Internet celebrities to attract fans cannot be underestimated, plus Shiheng Restaurant brought its own traffic during this time, and when the first recording was recorded, the guests were full.

Even some people who did not have a seat in the queue asked if they could arrange the number, or make a reservation for the table after that.

This is the best-case scenario, and Ash has discussed with the program team before, and in order to attract more guests to come and try the food, they decided not to open reservations. Only the first twenty guests are accepted every day, as long as you arrive early, you will have a chance, which makes it easier to mobilize the enthusiasm of the masses.

The audience who came in the first episode was almost a fan of the Internet celebrities, because the popularity of the show has not really been hyped, and many people still hold a wait-and-see attitude.

However, a good show is worth the wait, and everyone is not in a hurry.

Guests who come here will be informed that the waiting time may be a little long, as there is no guarantee that the dishes prepared by the contestants will be qualified.

And the real chef Aixi, in order to ensure the signature reputation of Shiheng Restaurant, will personally check every dish, and she will only serve it when she thinks it can be served.

Of course, if the players have not been able to meet Eich's requirements, she will play herself. Therefore, every customer here may spend less money, taste Ash's craftsmanship, and may also give shots to the show.

Twenty guests sat on the first floor, looking upstairs from time to time, wondering what kind of busy scene the Internet celebrities above were doing, and whether they could eat the dishes made by their idols?

Excitement and nervousness, but also with a little anticipation.

At the same time, the back kitchen that customers yearn for is - hell on earth.

Ten contestants divided into two groups and began to cook the first table of guests' dishes, two for two people, four dishes, two for the men's team and two for the women's team.

But this was just the beginning, and they began to scramble.

Each team of five people, everyone worked together to make a dish, it seems that the division of labor is very detailed, seems to save time. However, a large number of people is also prone to error.

Even if they have a leader, they are still in a hurry, without tacit understanding, and often two people do one thing repeatedly. There was even a player on the men's team who didn't turn on the oven when he put beef in the oven!

Ai, who has corrected them countless times, is angry!

"The people on the men's team give me out!" She roared angrily, "The guests at the first table have been waiting for twenty minutes, and I don't want to smash the sign on the first day of opening!" The

girl's face suddenly changed, and the originally good voice became sharp when she boarded, and everyone present was shocked.

However, Ash did not converge, she said to the humanity inside: "Why are you all stunned, do you want to work, do you want to record a show?" "


The whole back kitchen was silent, and after a few seconds, everyone really returned to the state in an instant.

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