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                   -strangers again.

"greetings y/n". The voice boomed in my ear, i bowed my head as a due respect to the man infront of me, "greetings general Shepard".

What was he doing in kortacs.

Bald head ass.

He gestured for me to take the seat as i did, couple of minutes passed as the silent was quite irritating me, but then he spoke "i know you are not well, but also there isn't going to be a best military doctor as you're, since you're already trained as well" I was silent.

"I'm sorry general but-" as soon as I said that he laughed cutting me off.

"you couldn't save Keegan, the least you can do is save others"

My head started aching, hearing Keegan's voice somewhere around me, his bloody mask, his painful groan, his face, his eyes, the tears everything the pool of blood.

"Drop me the zone, for my work general" i quickly stood up and left his office, Still in daze.


A familiar voice called out as i turned around to see the tall guy with mask over his face, "könig?" he nodded.

I gave him a head nod and was going to leave on my own way, "y/n! D-do you want to catch up maybe?" König looked the other way, as i just gave him a hand wave "next time soilder".

New day, same pain. Same nightmares. Same face.

I woke up all sweaty, due to the same dream i have been having for a while.

I headed to the fridge and grabbed a water bottle, as i read the message from shepherd.

I sighed as i was signed as the medic for kortacs, i was so exhausted of living by now.

I grabbed my medical stuffs needed and loaded it in my car, i went to a flower shop and also brought a bouquet for him and drove off.

"Hello keegs, red rose for you today, i guess i won't be able to see you much from now on" I smiled putting the flower in place.

I stared at his grave his name craved on it as i simply stood there for some good minutes and took off to where i was suppose to be.

I pulled up in there garage and some soilders helped me get my stuff in my office, i thanked them for it and headed inside the place.

She crossed pass him. He crossed pass her. She simply went pass the skull masked guy, as he simply went pass her along with the others and then far in the crowd.

I stopped in my tracks as i felt the presence of someone, i didn't want to remember, slowly turning around but there was no one than a bunch of soilders.

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