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New day new mission another day to suffer or just sit on top of the roof and wait for someone to show up while holding a sniper rifle.

I looked around my surroundings as always, I was on a solo mission.

Surprising as I was, no sign of threat, it was just the wind and my breath.

Something wasn't right.

In the corner of my eyes I could see a shadow right passing me, then I realized I was getting hunt.

Wasting no time, I set off my foot running as much as I can.

It wasn't one man, the while gang was after me.

"Venom on the chase captain" I held my comm and lossened my bullet proof vest for air.

My lungs were burning.

It was surprising how the men where not shooting at me, I grinned at myself.

They wanted me alive.

"Roger, get to safety be right after you" it was lieutenant this time.

"Fuck" I cursed stopping my tracks.

"Venom how copy?" Ghost seems to be driving.

"Dead end"

"Ghost I'm jumping get to base"

I cut off my comm before he could say anything.

With a harsh thud i fell in the ground, relieved that I didn't break my body aside some scars, that didn't matter.

The enemies seemed to lost my track, which was good.

The noon was falling as I waited in a church for a while to rest myself, my mind went back to my home.

what would mom and dad be doing?

A small noise was all it took for me to get alert.

I stood up from my spot as a figure showed up infront of the church door, it couldn't be any citizen I couldn't see the persons face either "ghost?" I called out as it looked like him.

Not confirmed, I still had doubts if it was ghost or someone else.

I grabbed my rifle along side a gun when many other soilder came along side blocking every way to escape, i cursed under my breath.

I had no choice but to retreat, there was no way I'll survive with a gun with few bullets and a snipper rifle.

Being the smart one i backed up few steps as I was surrounded, the only way out was blocked, i dropped my gun and raised my hands in the air "alright cunts chill?" I was audible and pissed.

The person I still couldn't see clearly chuckled, "you're smart not to fight back" I laughed and approached the door and tried to flee but a hit of the gun on my head knocked me off, everything went dark.

My eyes adjusted as there was a dim light falling on me.

I looked around.

I was tied to a chair and was in a custody room with one table.

At least it wasn't an electric chair.

"pussys" I mumbled attempting to free myself when a strong hand griping my shoulder stopped me, "language" I stopped and went silent as the person behind me didn't give me a good aura.

I was fucked.

He came infront of me and sat down as my eyes adjusted, a black uniform and dark hair, "you picked the wrong person" I frowned as he smirked.

"y/n known as venom from team 141 leaded by price" I wasn't shocked as I smirked at him "Russian aren't you?" He was shocked but the reaction didn't last.

Untie me and we can talk"

He stood up "your team has been getting all my man down nowdays"

Filled with missions just for one man.

He came closer and bend down as he touched the ropes freeing me.

My temper got the best of me.

without wasting much time I grabbed his neck but he was faster as he pinned my back on the wall harshly choking me.

I was loosing my breath.

"I wouldn't do that" he has this boring expression, I tried to pry him off me "you cunt" i cursed.

He let his hands loose but still grabbing my neck.

It felt like he left fingerprints on my neck.

"vladimir makarov" he glanced at me aight pride "never heard"

He winced his face "did your team not tell you why you guys are loaded with missions?"

My face dropped they never did tell me anything "price thinks you're still a rookie hm?" My mind rushed as I felt left out.

One time they did had a meeting but price told me it wasn't important so I didn't had to come, did they think I was that weak? Plus most of them avoided me when I brought up about missions.

Something wasn't right with 141 or was it just me?

He loosened his hands and sat on the chair making me sit infront of him, a table between us.

I was gripping the chair hard with anger as makarov coughed "it was a waste to bring you here they didn't even tell you anything" it was irritating me by now.

He doesn't have to shove it of my face like that.

"Come on say something" he again gestured me to speak "gaslight me, I'll light you on fire" I threw him a glare as he laughed lightly shaking his head.

"get this shit done with" he looked at me, "not afraid to die are you?" I shook my head as a no.

This was like my routine, even if I die I'll have nothing to regret.

"Aside that" he stood up and approached me as I stared at him, "you indeed are alive" he whispered into my ears as I was confused what he trying to point out.

"I seen you working for graves, he informed me that you were dead after some time"

"What's your relationship with graves?" I asked with annoyance, he was trying to digg out unwanted memories.

But he flipped the question on me.

"What's your relationship with the commander?" He refered to graves.

I turned to face him as he stared right back "nothing you need to know of" he laughed.

"how did price even get his hands on you before me", he tucked my hair behind my ears as he touched the scar on my jaw "didn't take care of you did they?" I was silent.

Did I really mean nothing to my team? "Listen first of all-" makarov quickly shut me off before I could reply, "don't say anything unpleasing"

"bro my ass is hungry" I sighed honestly as he stopped and looked at me as if mocking me.

"you're not even sure if I'll spare you and you're talking about food?" his eyes went wide.

"Sure" a dry reply a way of me shutting people.

A meal would be nice before dying.

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