The sergeant

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The next morning I woke up to see soap early in the living room as he really isn't an early bird.

"what's up" I asked while grabbing a juice from the fridge and poured it in a cup, "laswell is comin we got a meetin" he replied as I groaned.

I hated meetings specially when laswell was there it took more than an hour and she always had to look my way so I had to act like I'm concentrating, gaz entered and noticed me "what you drinking" he asked as I looked at him, "vodka" I replied as he laughed a little "straight?" He asked as I frowned "no gay one" I could hear soaps horse laugh as ghost passed by us telling us to gather in the meeting room.

I nodded, gaz and soap left as I excused myself to my room to grab a jacket since it was cold.

I entered the meeting room where all of them were there but one more operator was there which looked very familiar.

He was facing his back towards me as I had to sit beside him, I quietly sat down as the meeting started the person beside me gave me a very very familiar feeling as I decided to take a peek, I looked at the operator behind me oh....

"This is sergeant Keegan, venom " I could hear laswell speaking as I sat there looking at him as he was staring back.

I knew him, Sergeant Keegan P. Russ a former member of the USMC and the scout sniper for the Ghosts He was quiet and not very social around people, but was known to complete combat operations under extreme conditions.

I've met this guy during many mission though we didn't talk to each other much other than on mission, on one of the mission I actually shot him instead of the enemy because of his dark gear so I thought it was an enemy sniper and shot him.

though the mission was a success I was way to embarrassed and also scared to go see him while he was getting treated, I just said sorry to him through his comm to which I didn't receive an answer which meant he was angry.

from that I haven't seen the sergeant, now out of nowhere he was here.

the meeting continued as I could feel his stare on my back, I was praying that the meeting ends fast so I can just disappear, "it would be disrespectful to shoot someone and not pay a visit" I heard Keegan behind me as his voice was low but it still sent shivers in me this guy literally scared me, I've seen how brutal he can get on battlefields.

I didn't reply at him and pretended like I didn't knew him, i kept my focus on laswell as he spoke again "that's rude" I could hear laswell saying that the meeting has come to an end  as I quickly stood up to leave but Keegan grabbed me by my shoulder.

"laswell didn't you want me to teach 141s sniper on snipping?" He spoke as I argued "thank you sir but I really am feeling unwell" I grabbed my head as he wasn't backing up either, "it's alright I just want to show you the snipper I use and you can rest" he spoke as laswell wanted me to go with Keegan but I really didn't wanted to.

"i-" I was cut off by Keegan again "there are cases where operators shoot there own comrades so inorder to avoid such case I'm helping you", I clenched my fist what if he shoot me and kill me there itself.

"this way then" he spoke as I followed him I looked at ghost as he was looking back at me "I'll miss you if I die" I mumbled as he tilted his head a little in confusion as I followed Keegan.

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