I nodded my answer which was a huge mistake as my head started to throb violently.

This time he was satisfied with my response and dropped his hand. He straightened up and leered down at me, his face full of anger and disgust.

"You have one hour." He announced as if that was supposed to make sense to me.

"An hour?" I whispered as I hoped he would elaborate on what he meant without my prompting, I had a feeling anything I said or did would antagonise him further.

"You are my captive, human." He spat out the word 'human' as if it offended him. "You always will be."

He promptly left the room leaving me on the floor with confusion, fear, dread, and anxiety coursing through my veins. Pain also seemed to want join in the mixture of emotions I was feeling and seemed very keen an attacking my head.

Slowly, clutching both the table behind me and the bed at my side, I hoisted myself up. My legs did not feel as though they could support my weight, they were wobbling vigorously as I tried to walk. The pain in my skull continued to pound making it even harder to concentrate. Frustration filled me as I took a couple of steps away from the bed before I fell down.

My hands cushioned the blow and I leaned to the side shifting my body until I was laying flat on the ground. I was drained, both mentally and physically and all I wanted to do was go to sleep. My eyes were like a cup under the tap, filling up quickly and overflowing onto my skin.

How have I come to be in this position?

Time slipped by as I stared at the ceiling, my tears staining both my face and my hair. As I laid there I didn't come up with a plan, or what to do next, I just simply sat laid there. I was tired of always thinking of the next move or the next plan. I wanted to think of nothing, nothing good, nothing bad, just nothing.

The door opened slowly and I could hear footsteps enter the room however I refused to acknowledge them as I continued to stare at the ceiling.

"Nala get up." The voice belonged to a female and it sounded familiar.

"Why is she lying there?" Another female voice asked.

"Why have you not cleared out your room? Alpha Alessandro gave you an hour to clear this room." The first woman questioned again, her tone a lot harsher than before.

Is that what he meant when he said I had an hour?

"Come on, get up." The woman blocked my view of the ceiling with her face. "Get up."

I had met her before, when Cami was still here, maybe on the first day we arrived in this hellhole. Her name began with the letter L, I was sure of it, and she was in charge of all the maids.


"Who's Laura?" The second female questioned.

The woman who was clearly not called Laura let out an enormous sigh. "Come on, get up." She grasped both my arms and pulled me up so I was in a sitting position. My eyes fell on the other woman in the room, she looked to be in her early 20s and had dark hair tied up in a professional bun style. Her outfit, however, was far from professional, it was short and frilly and looked as though it was a costume.

Wiping my face hastily, I glanced at the women in front of me. "What's going on?"

Both women exchanged a look before they answered my question. "Alpha Alessandro told me he had already informed you of his decision. You're no longer a guest here."

When was I ever a guest?

My eyes widened as another thought came into my head. "Wait, I'm going home."

"No." The younger woman answered. "You're joining us girls on the top floor."

"Joining you? Joining you on what?"

"We don't have time for this." The older woman snapped. "Get up."

I slowly did as she asked, it was a struggle to get up and neither of them offered any help. The older woman looked impatient whereas the younger woman looked slightly concerned. "I don't understand what's going on."

"Alpha Alessandro already explained this to you."

"No he didn't." I paused after I said that. The Alpha was speaking earlier after he crushed my phone into hundreds of pieces but I didn't know what he actually said, had he informed me of his decision then?

The older woman began to speak but stopped when another female entered the room. Both women lowered their head and relief filled my body when I saw who it was.

"Teresa." I whispered. I was happy to see her however that happiness lasted a few seconds when I saw the cold look in her eyes.

"Leave the room." She ordered the other two women who obeyed her immediately.

I took a few wobbly steps towards her. "Hey, what's going on? I don't under-"

My words were cut off by a sharp and painful slap to my face. Tears immediately sprang to my eyes as my face began to pulsate.

"How dare you speak to me after what you did? I'm going to make you wish you were dead."


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter 

Let me know what you think is going to happen next

Sorry for the delay in uploading, life just got super busy. I will upload again this week but you can read the full story on www.patreon.com/kayy_b 

Thank you for reading :) 

-Kayy xx

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