Chapter Seventy

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Chapter Seventy

Your title and status as Alpha or your human mate.

That's the choice Alpha Alessandro had, a choice he didn't think he would ever have to make judging by the look on his face.

He wasn't the only person who was stunned by this ultimatum, his mum looked absolutely horrified and Cami looked like she was about to throw up.

And me?

For some reason I wasn't as shocked by this ultimatum like everyone else was, maybe it was because of how eventful my life has been the last few months that nothing truly shocked me to the core. That didn't mean I wasn't taken aback by what the Head Alpha was saying, I just wasn't as flabbergasted as the rest of them.

Though Alpha Alessandro hadn't said anything yet I knew what his answer would be.

Be an Alpha or have a human mate?

This decision wouldn't be a difficult one for him, he was born to be an Alpha, he was born to rule this pack and he had been training for it all his life before taking over from his dad.

There was no way he was going to give up his title for me, there was no way he was going to give up his lifestyle for me, there was no way he was going to give up everything for me.

But we're mates. I should be his everything.

In theory I should be but I couldn't expect him to give up everything he knew for a girl he had just met a few months ago. Not just a girl, a human girl and not just a human girl, a human girl who helped dispose of his cousin's body.

So why was a small part of me hoping he would give it all up for me?

If it was the other way round, would I give up everything for him?

My mind and heart were at odds, my heart was saying I would give everything up for him whereas my mind was saying I wouldn't. I guess the truth lies somewhere in between that.

"You need to make a decision Alessandro." The Head Alpha's voice was firm and harsh.

Alpha Alessandro turned away from his dad and looked at me. Other than his narrowed eyes that were now piercing into mine, there was nothing on his face to indicate what he was leaning towards.

"I'm not going to choose." He told his dad while he maintained eye contact with me. "Nala is my mate."

"She killed Harlan!" The Head Alpha hissed and I could practically feel the venom radiating towards me.

"She didn't kill him. It was her sister." Alpha Alessandro corrected causing his dad to growl a little.

"Her sister, her. Does it matter? Harlan is dead because of them."

The Alpha shook his head. "Harlan is dead because of his actions."

The Head Alpha let out another growl this time it was louder and more grizzlier. It was clear as day that this conversation was only aggravating him further and not helping the situation.

Though I was perplexed by this turn of events and prayed it turned in our favour I could understand it from both points of view. Alpha Alessandro didn't want to give up his title and mate and was getting frustrated that his dad was unwilling to grasp that concept and the Head Alpha was getting frustrated by the lack of anger or any emotion towards his dead nephew from his son. Both thought their way of thinking was the correct way and a no brainer.

I half expected Cami to interject in this conversation and make it worse like she has been doing recently but she remained as silent as a mouse, her eyes wide and darting around to each person in the room but not saying a single word. To be honest, looking at the stunned look she had plastered across her face I don't think she could speak even if she wanted to.

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