Chapter Six

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* Not Edited *

Chapter Six

"What?" I breathed out, unable to process what he had just said.

"Yeah, that's actually amazing if you think about it. If someone is pregnant apparently their scent changes an-"

"I got to go." I interrupted, grabbing my bag and tossing my notebook in there. "Thanks for all your help."

I walked out of there before Jackson could say anything else. My mind was spinning and I was struggling to think.

Babies? What the fuck? Is that possible? Why didn't we think of this earlier?

Shit! What if.. what if.. No it can't be possible. No way.

I was so wrapped up in my thoughts that I didn't see the man in front of me and bumped into him, hard.

"I'm so sorr-" I started to say but stopped when I realised who it was.

"Nala, it's lovely to see you." Miles grinned as his eyes trailed up and down my body.

I resisted the urge to cringe and moved away only to be blocked my Miles.

"Move." I demanded, sliding my bag down my shoulder and gripping it tightly just in case I needed to use it.

Miles was a creep, there's no other way to describe him. I met him during freshers week and we exchanged numbers as he was studying the same course as me. That was a big mistake. He bombarded me with texts and calls and didn't get the hint that I was not interested in him in that way.

The constant rejection does not seem to derail Miles as he still continues to ask me out. I blocked his number and tried to stay away from him but he still continues. Some of my friends think its cute while the others think it hilarious but there's nothing cute or hilarious about it.

"Do you want to grab a coffee?"

"No! I don't want to do anything with you, now move." I yelled at him, drawing attention from a couple of passers-by.

"Are you okay?" One of the girls asked looking at me in concern.

"I'm fine, thanks." I told her waving my hand. The girls looked at each other before walking away.

I started to walk away to when Miles called out. "I'll see you later Nala."

I rolled my eyes and headed towards the carpark where my car was parked. I locked the door as soon as I got in and let out a deep breath.

After taking in a few deep breaths, I grabbed my phone out of my bag and I looked at the time. There was still around an hour left before Cami finished college for the day.

How could I bring this up to her?

Could Cami be pregnant?

With everything that had happened, the thought did not cross my mind at all. All I kept thinking about was the dead body, how to dispose of it and how to remain undetected. I completely forgot about the risk of STDs and pregnancy.

Is that why the Alpha was angry? He could smell that she was pregnant with a werewolf's baby? Could werewolves tell if the father is a human or a werewolf or does it all smell the same?

If Cami was pregnant, this situation would be so fucked up. Would she have the baby? Would she keep it?

The poor baby. It's dad raped it's mum and mum killed it's dad. It doesn't get anymore fucked up then that.

Before I get too ahead of we had to find out for sure so I turned my car on and headed to our local Tesco.

I filled my basket up with lots of chocolates, snacks and comfort food before heading over to the section where they sold pregnancy tests. I looked over all the options and grabbed a couple of the Clearblue tests. Biology was never my forte so I unclear about how long you had to wait before you could take a pregnancy test, could you take it two-ish weeks after...the incident or would you have to wait until you missed a period?

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