Chapter Forty

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Chapter Forty

She was right, families do protect each other but why was she telling me this?

A horrifying thought catapulted into my head and I couldn't stop myself from gasping out loud.

What if she knew Cami was the one who killed Harlan and I was covering up for her? She believes that I am protecting Cami because she's my family and this was her way of saying she knew why I was doing it?

"What's wrong?" Concern was etched on Teresa's face as she took a step closer towards me.

Instinctively I took a step back and watched as sadness enveloped Teresa's face for a couple of seconds before it returned back to normal.

Why was she sad about me moving away from her? It was just earlier today when she was crushing my hands and threatening to kill me!

"Nothing." I whispered.

"I know what you did to Harlan." Teresa started to say as I swallowed harshly. "But I also know what he did to you."

"Do you believe me?" I asked the question slowly. I had to know the answer to this question, if she believed me then she might not be such a huge threat to me. If she didn't believe her brother was a rapist or believed that I was covering up for Cami then that would lead to so many complications and issues.

Teresa's face hardened and I wondered if I had made a mistake in asking that question. Something strange flashed in her eyes and she looked away for a second before looking back at me with a composed look.

"Yes, I believe you." And I believed her. I felt as though a huge weight had been lifted from my shoulder, yes I would still be cautious around her but at least she knew why we did that to her brother and maybe she wouldn't be as vengeful now that she knew.

"There was no intention to kill him." I had no idea why I was still speaking but I felt obligated to tell her what happened. "Just wanted him to stop."

I repeated the words Cami had told me, she didn't want to kill him, she didn't think she had. She wanted him to stop the brutal assault on her and he ended up dying.

Teresa looked away and silence engulfed us. I peered at her, trying to figure out what she's thinking. Without another word, she began to exit the room. Just as she was about to leave the room she turned around and faced me.

"I don't blame you for what you did." Her words felt sincere and true. She muttered something else but I didn't quite catch it. She closed the door behind her and I let out a sigh.

Today had been utterly confusing and I wasn't sure what to make of it. Every part of it confused me, the Alpha confused me, Teresa confused me and I even confused myself with my behaviour and actions.

What the hell have I been doing? I'm supposed to be figuring a way out of here not making out with the Alpha. A groan escaped my lips as I thought about what we did and almost did. I can't believe I kissed the Alpha. Not only did I kiss him, I wanted to fuck him as well.

Wanting makes it sound as though I was only thinking about it, that would be inaccurate. I didn't just want it, I made it vocal, I told him I wanted him to f*ck me.

"Do you want me to f*ck you?"


Placing my hands in my palm I let out an embarrassed groan. What the hell am I doing? Why am I throwing myself at this man who's holding me here against my will?

Stockholm syndrome.

It has to be that! What else could it be? Stockholm syndrome is having feelings of trust or affection in cases of kidnapping or hostage-taking by a victim towards their captor.

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