Chapter Forty Eight

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Chapter Forty-Eight

Alessandro, let the human go.

Let the human go.

Let the human go.

These words kept circulating inside my head for a minute or so without me actually grasping what they meant for me.

They were going to let me go, this was finally going to end and I would see Cami again. I was going to be okay, we were both going to be okay!

Hope and excitement began to bubble up inside me and I wanted to scream out in happiness. I couldn't believe this was actually happening. This felt like a pinch me moment, a moment I had been praying and wishing for since I got here and now it was finally happening.

Biting my lip to stop the big, fat smile that was threating to grace it I directed my eyes towards Alpha Alessandro to hear his response. How could he say no to his dad's response without raising any alarms? He had to agree with him.

Alpha Alessandro's eyes were cold however there were specks of anger there threatening to burn us all. He slowly unfolded his arms and dropped them to his side, his fists clenched tightly.

"I still have a few questions." He finally announced to the five people who were waiting to hear his response.

"What questions?" Though Riccardo asked his son the question, his dark eyes landed on me and I could feel his burning gaze.

He wanted to know why his son was keeping a human girl here for no reason and was reluctant for her to leave.

Yeah, you and me both mister!

"We have more pressing issues at hand such as where Harlan is and why he has disappeared." Riccardo filled the silence in the room when it became clear his son would not provide him with an answer.

"Yes." Alessandro's mum, Rosa, finally spoke. "If the human girl knows nothing we cannot keep her here." Unlike her mate who was studying me when he spoke, she looked at Alessandro as if she was trying to gauge his reaction and thoughts.

"Fine." Alpha Alessandro spat the words out, his tone barely concealing the anger he was feeling.

"I still have some questions for her too." Teresa suddenly jumped in causing me to snap my head towards her.

What the hell is she doing? She said she would help me, why does she want me to remain here?

Riccardo shrugged. "Question her but I want her gone by the end of this week."

Oh my God, this was actually happening!

I would be out of here at the end of this week and I can finally put this everlasting nightmare behind me and move on.

When is it the end of the week? What day is it today?

As the happiness began to envelope every inch of me, I missed the subtle exchanges that were being exchanged. I should have paid more attention to them, it would have prepared me for what was to come.

"Beta Kieran, can you escort Miss Ayad back to her room?"

Beta Kieran opened the door and I could have skipped my way back to the room, I was going to get the hell out of here. As I left the room I made the mistake of looking back into the room and was genuinely surprised by the looks and emotions on each of their faces.

There was a slight concern on his mum's, Rosa, face and she was looking at Alpha Alessandro, she wasn't the only one who was doing that, Teresa was looking at the Alpha too however instead of the small concern like on her aunt's face, her face was drawn in with worry.

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