Chapter Five

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*Not Edited*

Chapter Five

Her scent? What the hell is he talking about? Who is he?

"W-what?" Cami stuttered out.

"Alpha." Another voice in the background called out. "I have the tapes."

Alpha? Was that Alpha Alessandro?

"Good." There was a pause before the Alpha spoke again. "Did you talk to this little human?"

"Yes, I've spoken to Cami."

"Now Cami, I want you to be a good little human and tell me the truth." Alpha Alessandro was deep and smooth.

What is going on? Does he know?

I felt so helpless sitting in my car listening to the conversation. If he didn't suspect anything and I rush in there, he definitely would but what if he does suspect something and I'm just sitting here doing nothing and then something bad happens to Cami?

I decided to wait for a few minutes, listen to what the Alpha had to say first before barging in.

"What's going on?" Cami whispered, she sounded confused and scared. Just like me.

"Shh. There's nothing to fear." The Alpha did not sound reassuring at all. "Have you been around any female werewolves today?"

Female werewolves?


"No? Are you sure? Do not lie to me." The Alpha snarled, sounding almost upset.

"M-maybe a customer, I don't remember. I'm not lying."

The Alpha let out a growl. "A fucking human, not possible."

"Alpha?" The other male voice called out sounding very comfortable despite the growls from the Alpha.

"I'll deal with this later. A fucking human." The Alpha scoffed sounding disgusted.

I waited to hear more but the only sound I heard was descending footsteps before hearing a door open.

"Omg, that was the Alpha!" Cami whispered frantically into the phone. "I can't do this, I'm so scared! You should have seen him Nala, he was so angry."

I unmuted myself. "Okay, just get out of there. I'm at the back, just say something came up and leave."


Cami hung up the phone and I put my hands on my face. This was such a mess, I had no idea what was going on. Why was the Alpha asking Cami those questions?

Maybe staying here was a bad idea, should we should leave now while we have the chance? But where would we go? Should we leave the country? Can we uproot our whole live here and move to a foreign country?

A knock on the window almost had me jumping out of my seat. "You scared the shit out of me." I told Cami as she slid inside the car.

"Hey, you okay?" I asked Cami who was seated in the car with her eyes closed.

"I'm so scared Nala, I feel scared all the time."

Me too.

"Come on. Let's go home." I started the car and then turned to look at her again. "What happened exactly?"

"I thought you heard everything?"

"I did with the Beta but I'm confused about what happened with the Alpha." I told her as we drove away from the café.

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